Adrienne Harris
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Alana Kaplan
The Global Resilience Project & RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1

Alana Kaplan
The Global Resilience Project & RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
Alana Kaplan is a compassionate mental health professional based in Winnipeg, Ontario. She’s a child and family therapist at a Winnipeg- based community agency, and a yoga teacher. Fueled by advocacy, Alana is known for standing up and speaking out for others. Passionate about de-stigmatizing and normalizing mental health, Alana brings her experience to The Global Resilience Project’s team, navigating the role one’s mental health plays into telling their story.
Engaging in self-care and growth is what keeps her going and her love for reading, travel, and personal relationships helps foster that. When she’s not working, Alana can often be found on walks, at the yoga studio, or playing with any animal that she comes across.

Amy Singleton
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Amy Thurman
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
As an Inspirational Speaker, Author, Podcast Host, Disabled Entrepreneur, and Story Development Coach, Amy empowers individuals to rewrite their narratives, uncovering the power that lies within. Her 3E Framework, as a way to polish the mirror of your life, is based on 100 emotions categorized into ten vibrational frequency stages, and takes her clients on a transformative journey of self-discovery, revealing the stories hidden within.
I spent the past ten years living with a broken neck and fought my way back from being completely incapicated and unaliving myself to now living an empowered life.
Owner of Polish the Mirror, Amy Thurman's life journey is a testament to the power of hope, resilience, self-discovery, and transformation.

Andrea Smith
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1

Angela Rinadis
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Angela Symes
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Angie Hanson
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Anne Ferrier Crook
The Global Resilience Project & RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
Anne is also a consultant with Institute for The Study of Birth, Breath, and Death where she supports others navigating grief/loss and significant life changes through private consultations and support groups. She brings a compassionate presence and empowers clients to re- ignite their inner healer for greater joy and vitality. She has been featured in online publications, podcasts, a global docuseries, Wildfire Magazine, and 2 best-seller books called “The Global Resilience Project” and "Thresholds: 75 Stories of How Changing Your Perspective Can Change Your Life."

Barbie Layton
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
Barbie has been on multiple platforms and stages with some the top names in the personal growth and development industry, and will be featured in three upcoming books, her movie “Beyond Physical Matter” premiered on Amazon Prime in February 2024 and she designed a manifestation product line that will be featured at the Oscars gifting lounge in March of 2024. She is also an advisory council member of Secret Knock and will be appearing with them at the United Nations general assembly in New York City in May of 2024. She will be in 5 additional books in 2024 as well.

Blair Kaplan Venables
The Global Resilience Project & RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1 & 2

Blair Kaplan Venables
The Global Resilience Project & RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1 & 2
Blair Kaplan Venables is an expert in social media marketing and the president of Blair Kaplan Communications, a British Columbia-based PR agency. She brings fifteen years of experience to her clients which include global wellness, entertainment and lifestyle brands. She is the creator of the Social Media Empowerment Pillars, has helped her customers grow their followers into the tens of thousands in just one month, win integrative marketing awards and more.
Blair is listed in USA Today as one of the top 10 conscious female leaders to watch in 2022 and Yahoo! listed Blair as a top ten social media expert to watch in 2021. She has spoken on national stages and her expertise has been featured in media outlets including Forbes, CBC Radio, Entrepreneur and Thrive Global. Blair is an international bestselling author and has recently published her second book, ‘The Global Resilience Project.’ She is the co-host of the Dissecting Success podcast and in her free time, you can find Blair growing The Global Resilience Project’s online community where users share their stories of overcoming life’s most difficult moments.

Blythe Donovan
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Carroll Patrizi
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
She is also the owner of Conversations with Carroll (the podcast), One of Eleven Productions, LLC and 3rd Floor Studio.
Carroll interviews entrepreneurs, ultrapreneurs, creatives -- gen z to baby boomers -- who share their stories with courage and faith, in order to connect, unite and empower others.
She loves God--Father, Son & Holy Spirit--Family, Friends--great conversations, laughter, walks, being near or on the water, music, dancing, and is happiest when connecting people that she knows will benefit from meeting each other.
Bottom line, she considers helping--supporting and encouraging others a gift & a privilege. "When you help yourself, it is a gift to others---when you help others, it is a gift to yourself."-CJNP
If she endorses something, you know it's good! You matter, your story matters, your hopes and dreams matter---YOU ARE WELCOME AND WANTED HERE!

Casey Kang
The Global Resilience Project
I am an Author of “Finding Your Way Back to Heart Center; Cancer Treatment Ended Now What?, personal trainer, Yoga instructor, Yoga for oncology certified, Yoga for Trauma, Cancer Exercise Specialist, PN Level 1 Nutritionist, Restorative Yoga, NICABM Trauma Certified, Happiness Certified, Level 1 Reiki Healer and lifelong learner. I am dog mom to Lily.

Cathy Derksen
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Cathy Holt
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Crystal Adair-Benning
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1

Devin Gambler
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
With a career spanning 20 years, Devin has been at the forefront of significant economic transformations, contributing to projects valued at over $1.68 billion across Canada. His expertise lies in navigating the complex landscape of business development, where he skillfully merges traditional First Nations perspectives with contemporary economic strategies. He worked in leadership roles with local First Nations such as CEO of Bonaparte Indian Band, Manager of Business & Economic Development/KIBDC - Tk'emlups te Secwepmec & recently retained clients from Simpcw First Nation and Neskonlith Indian Band.
Devin completed his MBA in 2023 from Thompson Rivers University (TRU). This academic pursuit reflects his commitment to continuous learning and leadership excellence. The MBA program has equipped him with advanced strategic planning, leadership, and project management skills, further solidifying his role as a dynamic leader in his field.
At Pamihtâw Consulting Inc., Devin's leadership is characterized by a forward-thinking approach, underpinned by the values of integrity, community, and sustainability. His work is recognized by his peers and awards for Innovation & Excellence as well as Inclusivity. Devin Gambler is not just a business leader; he is a visionary, shaping a future where economic development is inclusive, sustainable, and deeply respectful of Indigenous cultural heritage.

Dorothy Eubanks
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol. 2
She is now retired and contemplating how she ever made it through life given the circumstances that have surrounded her. She is making a conscientious effort to identify her coping strategies in the hopes that they may help others.

Dr. Tanya R. English
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
In 2001, Dr. English founded Quantum Healing International. She works with individuals, conducts retreats, and mentors others in Intuitive Energy Scanning.
After the stillbirth of her first child, a profound healing experience at the Mississippi Valley Blues Fest in 1994 marked a turning point in her grief, leading her to believe and understand that everything happens for the highest good. There is treasure in tragedy if we are willing to seek it.
She is an accomplished blues singer, delivering healing with the blues with The Tanya English Band for over 13 years.

Faye Lawand
The Global Resilience Project
What I learned healed me and made me determined to help others suffering from poor mental health, exhaustion and pain.
Burnout can strike anyone, anytime, anywhere.
My first burnout happened in Curaçao, a slice of heaven in the Caribbean.
I was living in paradise, hanging out by the pool all day and partying all night.
On the surface, life was incredible but inside I was a mess.
I was a pro at pretending everything was fine.
I put on a mask because I didn't know it was okay not to be okay.
I spent so much time in front of the mirror trying to look my best and put a brave face on things.
I wore fancy clothes and relied on retail therapy to take my mind off things I couldn't explain.
I couldn't understand why I felt so bad when my life was so good.
I was tired all the time. I could sleep for 10 hours and still wake up feeling absolutely drained.
I needed caffeine to get going in the morning, sugar to get me through the day and alcohol to unwind at night.
I had chronic pain and I was constantly nauseous and dizzy.
My world was spinning while my life was spinning out of control.
One morning, I was driving my car to school where I worked as a teacher. I blacked out and lost control of the car which ended up on the other side of the road.
When I came to it seemed like an eternity had passed.
I had no explanation for what had happened. I was petrified. And so I hid it.
I never spoke about it to anyone.
But the symptoms didn’t go away.
They never do.
I'd be at my desk or in the gym when I would pass out. Finally I want to see a doctor, the first of many.
I was convinced there was something neurological wrong with me. I was hoping for a diagnosis, a label to explain why I was feeling so bad. I remember sitting in a doctor's office, my fourth or fifth doctor, desperately hoping for an answer that made sense to me. “I've really good news for you,” the doctor said. “All your tests are negative. There’s nothing wrong with you.”
And I started sobbing. “But that's not possible, doctor. If nothing is wrong with me, why do I feel so bad?”
That was the question that started the deep enquiry that led to what I do now.
It's taken me 16 years to find an answer.
The doctor suggested my symptoms were psycho emotional, that I was suffering from depression and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The depression diagnosis I could accept but PTSD? “No chance,” I said. “I've experienced nothing traumatic in my life.”
I completely ignored the fact that a couple of months earlier my heart was broken when the Israeli invasion of 2006 saw me locked out of my own country.
I had returned to my homeland of Lebanon to see my family and my new nephew.
It was a beautiful family reunion and I felt at peace with the world and myself for the first time in a long time.
While I was home I planned a 4-day trip to Istanbul in Turkey, a city I’d always wanted to visit.
I had an early morning flight and didn’t want to wake up my family.
So I didn’t kiss any of them goodbye because I would see them again in a few days' time.
Or so I thought. I still had four glorious weeks at home to look forward to.
But I never made it back to Lebanon that summer.
Israel invaded while I was in Istanbul.
Air strikes targeted civilian infrastructure and the airport was shut down.
I was stuck in Istanbul and couldn't get home.
I couldn’t say goodbye to my family.
I bought a one-way ticket from Istanbul back to Curaçao and I landed at the airport with no luggage, no house key and no car key.
I left everything behind in Lebanon.
I felt drained, confused, disoriented and overwhelmed.
I’d been forced out of my country by conflict and chaos, not for the first time in my life.
When I got back to Curaçao I was anxious and sick with worry all the time about what was happening to my family in Lebanon.
It was hard to sleep and every morning, I’d wake up with a sense of dread.
The war lasted 34 days but it felt like a lifetime.
Thankfully, none of my family were injured but hundreds of thousands were displaced from their homes. I was displaced from my sense of self, my sense of belonging.
That was the start of my journey* to find myself again, to find my way home.
When I talk about my journey, people either relate to it right away, or they don't.
Some people say, “I've never lived in a war zone so what you do is not applicable to me.”
My story is not about the war.
My story is about not dealing with the internal conflict caused by the war.
We’re all fighting an internal battle.
We all have internal chaos to some degree or another.
You don't have to be born in a warzone to suffer from internal conflicts that limit you and cause poor mental health, exhaustion and pain.

Godsway Tek Agyagbo
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
I am a Youth Development Specialist. I started my career as a teacher for the Happy Kids School in my hometown in the Volta Region of Ghana. My job as a teacher led me to mentor my students to keep them engaged in school. From there, I worked as a Childcare Development Director running children's homes for vulnerable children in need of care.
In 2014, I co-founded the Volta Charity Football League with a Moroccan friend for the community boys. I coached football league teams to encourage sportsmanship, leadership, and confidence. This league birthed the first female football league in our region for non-governmental schools and organizations, which taught our girls that they are as talented and valued as their male counterparts.
After High School, I was unable to afford college until after 6 years when I got a sponsorship to pursue a course in Graphic Design & Marketing from a good friend who was also my boss at the time. I also went on to take short courses in Non-Profit Governance and Operations. I continued my professional development with courses like Global Social Entrepreneurship, Advocacy, and other available courses online at Philanthropy University. I have also taken a few intensive workshops in School Leadership. Over the last 11 years, I have been gathering and analyzing cultural, educational, social, and entrepreneurial data to develop effective programs with schools and communities with the youth in focus.
Last year I developed my volunteer tourism program to bring visitors with skills to support programs with needs through which I launched my after-school program with the generous donation from The Global Resilience Project. I have collaborated with local schools and communities to organize youth training sessions; career and education mentorship workshops; monitor students at risk and implement youth development programs.
I am passionate about livestock farming, afro contemporary and cultural dance. I love drumming, camping and kayaking.

Greg Stewart
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Hamza Najam
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
By the time I was 32, I had a stark realization: my life's decisions were all built upon a severe dependency on alcohol. Every week was a battle against the same cycle - waking up hungover on Monday, swearing it would be my last time, only to succumb to the lure of alcohol by Thursday.
I tried to quit multiple times, using various methods - AA, therapy, counseling, and coaching. Each unsuccessful attempt left me feeling like a failure. But then, I had an epiphany: true change can only come from within. It was time for a shift. It was time to focus inward and embark on a journey of healing.
This journey led me to discover the transformative power of meditation and breathwork. I became fascinated by these practices and their potential to heal and restore. I decided to reinvent myself, diving deep into the study of Neuroscience, and becoming a Certified Breathwork Teacher, NLP Practitioner, Meditation Leader, and Nationally Certified Sobriety Coach.
Since then, I've dedicated my life to helping others navigate their journeys to recovery. I've had the privilege of witnessing incredible transformations over the past three years, as individuals reclaimed their lives from the clutches of alcohol.
To further this mission, I've developed a one-of-a-kind method called Breathesober Reset. This is broken down over 6 months.
This program is designed to provide the tools, guidance, and support you need to reset your life and build a healthier relationship with alcohol.
It's not just about quitting drinking, it's the first step, it's about uncovering and addressing root causes and retraining the brain to think and live happily as an Alcohol-Free person.

Heather Marianna
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1 & 2

Jaleh Zandieh
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
Jaleh's clients are service-driven entrepreneurs and industry leaders -- from CEO's to U.N. Directors to Grammy-Award-winning artists -- who want to contribute to a culture that elevates the quality of life for humanity.
Jaleh's renowned 21-year research-based framework helps global experts create a thriving company that utilizes the talents and leadership styles within their teams so they can make the best impact with integrity and joy. This creates a magnetic, unified culture that everyone loves spending time in.
Her system helps creative professionals enrich and uplevel the leadership capacities of them and their teams so that they can create a legacy of community and inclusion. This leads to lasting success that's nourished by the valuable, diverse elements of all 9 Leadership Styles.

Jan Janzen
The Global Resilience Project
She left the Jehovah’s Witness organization in 1999 after spending her entire life devoted to her faith. Transitioning to life outside the cult was challenging and life shattering. Her husband of 18 years left her for another woman, she ended up homeless twice and almost bankrupt.
It was during this time that Jan’s money programming became very evident. Trained from infancy that Armageddon was always “just around the corner”, she had no concept of growing old, financial security or amassing wealth.
It was through a two decade journey of money self-discovery that Jan not only learned about Sacred Money Archetypes but did a 180 degree turn-around in her perception of money, having a positive effect on her financial status.
A non-denominational minister and author of 3 books, Jan traveled the world for 9 years, spent 4 years as a missionary in Ecuador and now resides on 20 acres in the woods in BC, Canada with her two rescue cats.

Janelle Brunton-Rennie
The Global Resilience Project

Janet Omstead
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
She is on a mission to re-ignite the world’s passion for play as the solution to the global inactivity crisis. Janet believes that when we create the motivation and desire for regular movement using play as the catalyst for better health regardless of age, we address our body’s inherent needs to manage itself effectively and create an environment that promotes wellness, fun, and joy.
As such, using play as exercise opens the doors to a physically, emotionally and psychologically healthy society.
Whether speaking, coaching, or leading RED January Canada, Janet’s strength lies in her playful approach to life!

Jas Rawlinson
The Global Resilience Project

Jasmariah Swenson
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Jenn Fredericks
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
As a Personal Resilience Practitioner, Prosilience (proactive resilience) Coach, two-time kidney transplant recipient and caregiver for my daughter with a complex diagnosis I fill the gap for organizations, foundations and nonprofits who want to support their community of family caregivers but don’t have the time, the unique lived expertise or resources.

Jennifer Helgren
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
As a fine line tattoo artist, I use my craft as a powerful tool for healing. Each tattoo I create is more than just art; it’s a way for my clients to embrace their stories and overcome past traumas. I believe that art has the power to empower and transform, and I’m honored to play a part in that journey for others.
I’m a certified yoga instructor as well as I have completed my Pilates instructor training. I’m passionate about helping others find balance and strength through movement, whether it’s on the mat or in life.
Outside of my professional life, I’m a devoted mom and a proud dog mom. I love all animals, and my nurturing spirit extends to every living being around me. I strive to foster compassion and connection in all aspects of my life.

Jennifer Root
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Jessica Munoz
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
Her multifaceted expertise encompasses over 18 years of advancing healthcare, pioneering entrepreneurial ventures, and spearheading community initiatives. Jessica is known for her transformative approach to systemic change, having cultivated widespread partnerships to fortify a collective crusade to protect children from sexual exploitation around the globe. In addition, she has raised millions of dollars to help address the child sex trafficking crisis and aftercare needs for those who have been victimized.
Jessica's contributions span beyond local impact; her global outreach has seen her as a cherished trainer and advisor across several continents, delivering expertise on trauma-informed care and fostering international collaborations. The establishment of Pearl Haven, a state of the art premier residential treatment facility for sexually exploited girls, stands as a testament to her vision and the scalable model of care she champions.
A celebrated thought leader, Jessica has also utilized mainstream media to amplify her cause, collaborating with the hit TV show Hawaii Five-0, thereby educating millions on the complexities of sex trafficking. Under her stewardship, Hoʻōla Nā Pua has catalyzed significant advancements within Hawaii and is setting a precedent for global strategies against trafficking.
Her trailblazing efforts have been widely recognized, earning her prestigious accolades such as the Nurse of the Year for Women and Children at Kapiolani Medical Center and the Emergency Medicine Physician Inc. Nurse Practitioner of the Year, among others. A respected voice in advocacy, Jessica has been honored with numerous awards for her nonprofit leadership and humanitarian efforts, reflecting her profound influence and the respect she commands across various sectors. She inspires resilient hope and a beautiful blend of elegance, grit, and grace.

Jo Summers
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
My life's journey has been marked by numerous trials, and adversities... starting at a very young age with sex, drugs, selling drugs, addiction, getting involved with motorcyles and men, navigating prison, being a felon, domestic violence, suicide of an ex-husband, divorce, co-parenting, yet through it all, I have emerged stronger, shown tremendous resilience, using my past and traumas to help and heal others, turning my pain into purpose.
My career has always been in sales, but I'm most passionate about helping others navigate their own paths to recovery, first as a certified peer recovery support specialist, and a transformation life coach, working with anyone struggling, that may need resources, hope and encouragement. I am a podcast host, of "Breakfast of Choices", life stories of transformation, from Rock Bottom to Rock Solid, giving people a safe place to tell their stories and also be able to offer hope and enocouragement.
My passion and my mission is to uplift, empower and encourage people on their journeys to healing and most of all self-discovery.
Resiliency has been the key to life for me...fall down 10 times, get up 11...heal, grow and evolve daily.

Kara Fleming
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
Having faced personal trauma, including childhood abuse, devastating divorces, financial loss, and years of anxiety, Kara has transformed her struggles into a source of strength. Through her deep faith in God, support from family and friends, and a commitment to self-care, she has overcome adversity, discovered herself, and found true happiness.
Kara is inspired to help others recognize their inner strength and worth, encouraging them to live authentically and push through life's most challenging moments. She believes that through faith, perseverance, and embracing one's true self, we can overcome even the darkest challenges and discover the freedom and joy waiting on the other side.

Kelli Melissa Reinhardt
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
Kelli is a TEDx Speaker, Keynote Speaker, Mental Health Educator, Author and ICF Certified Mental Wellness Coach. She has a B.A. in Communication, minor in Psychology, NLP Master Practitioner, Trainer and Consultant certifications from Worldwide Institutes of Neuro Linguistic Programming, certified as an Adult, Youth and Teen instructor for Mental Health First Aid.
She is the host of Make Mental Health Matter TV Show and has been featured in Authority Magazine, Brainz 500 Global and many more which can be found on her media page at BCC Evolution.

Kera Sanchez
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
The Legacy Letters journal, now also available in Spanish, stands as a testament to Kera's determination to ensure that families worldwide have the means to leave behind cherished legacies, even in the face of unexpected loss. Building on the success of Legacy Letters, Kera went on to release "No Legacy Lost," a guided memory and grief journal designed to aid others on their own paths of healing.
Beyond her journals, Kera has cultivated a vibrant community on Instagram, using relatable memes and dark humor to shed light on her grief journey. In early 2024, she expanded her reach with the launch of "Get Griefy," a grief magazine serving as a platform for individuals to share inspiring stories, poetry, writing, art, photography, and more within the community of grievers. Through her brand, Lemons to Legacies, Kera Sanchez continues to bring joy, zest for life, and healing to those navigating the difficult terrain of grief.

Lainie Rosner
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
She wants to make the world a better place by sharing her story, her positive attitude, and her art.
Lainie is thankful for Science and modern medicine and is looking forward to continued adventures with her family and friends.

Lou Bowers
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
By day she is a visibility expert creating social media content for small businesses. By night (who are we kidding it's by mid-afternoon) she is an avid coffee conversationalist and semi-pro thrifter. She can also be convinced to go on hiking adventures, as long as there is a soft bed to sleep in at night.

Lynn Moore
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
My ideal readers are women who have experienced a sudden, catastrophic change in their life direction. I call it an IPC (Instant, Pivotal Crisis), which has affected them to the point of being unable to find ways to recover. My job is to help them 'bounce back' to not only survive, but thrive in the aftermath.
Secondarily, I write about how we can overcome separation of various peoples by being willing to allow ourselves to stand in vulnerability. Enough so, to tell our deeply personal stories and thus expand EMPATHY while shrinking our default to JUDGE.
I maintain that empathy is the GREAT EQUALIZER. No one is immune to living through IPC's that threaten to undo us, but for others to listen to us, relate with us, assist in our healing, as we would do for them, is the way we unite as ONE.

Martha Kartaoui
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
With faith and courage as her guide, Victoria embarked on a transformative healing odyssey, embarking on a path of self-love, self-discovery and empowerment. Over the course of 19 years, she meticulously pieced together the fragments of her shattered identity, turning her pain and trauma into a triumphant testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
Today, Martha stands as a shining example of empowerment and resilience, a Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, Life Visionary Coach, and Spiritual Mentor dedicated to illuminating the path towards healing and self-realization. Through her poignant words and compassionate guidance, she offers solace to those navigating life's darkest corridors, helping them find the glimmer of light amidst the shadows.
Martha's journey serves as a powerful reminder that no matter how formidable the obstacles may seem, the human spirit possesses an innate capacity for transformation and renewal. With unwavering determination and boundless compassion, she continues to inspire others to embrace their own journey of healing and self-discovery, guiding them towards a life of purpose, fulfillment, and boundless joy.

Melissa Bottorff-Arey
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Melissa Deally
The Global Resilience Project
Melissa also uses the power of functional medicine lab tests mailed to your home, while offering a very high level of support, to ensure her clients’ success, as we navigate the path bringing the bodies back into balance, while creating new lifestyle habits to ensure lasting results.
Melissa is an international speaker, five time best-selling author, and has been named to the 2022 CREA Global Award list, and the winner of the Alignable 2023 & 2022 Local Business Person Of The Year Award for Whistler. She is also the recipient of the 2022 & 2021 Quality Care Award by Businesses From The Heart. Melissa is the host of the “Don’t Wait For Your Wake Up Call!” podcast, a podcast offering practical education around health, which is ranked in the top 3% of Global podcasts by Listen Notes.
When not serving her clients, Melissa can be found on her paddle board, backcountry hiking & camping with her daughter(s), downhill or cross country skiing, or planning her next trip for her Girl Guide unit or working on her passion project, Girls Matter, helping keep girls in school in Uganda and Kenya, breaking the poverty cycle, one girl, one family, one village at a time.

Moira Khan
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Nana Adu-Boafo Jnr
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1

Nina Rodriguez
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Ocean Baker
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Olivia Parker
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
As a proud millennial, a dedicated wife, and a loving mother to five beautiful girls, my life is a blend of joy and chaos that I share authentically with my followers. Beyond being an influencer, I’m also an educator. I’ve transformed my experience in content creation into a profitable business, and I’m passionate about teaching other moms how to turn their content into a source of income.
My journey is a testament to the power of social media and the opportunities it can create. I aim to inspire others by showing that with creativity and determination, anyone can turn their passion into a successful career.

Pat Alva-Kraker
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
But that's not all—Pat also wears the hat of Managing Partner at Majestic Lending, LLC, where she helps real estate investors find the perfect private lending opportunities. Her dual roles showcase her versatility and commitment to helping others succeed.
Pat’s influence extends far beyond her local community. She’s an international speaker, a 6-time best-selling author, and a talented artist. Her inspiring talks focus on mindful leadership, staying relevant in mind, body, and soul for women over 45, and the importance of self-care. Pat’s mission is clear: to uplift and empower women to lead with purpose and resilience.
Living in Fort Worth with her husband, Mitch, Pat loves exploring new cultures through international travel and enjoys a good game of pickleball. With her dedication to excellence and her unwavering commitment to uplifting others, Pat Alva-Kraker is a true force for positive change in the business world and beyond.

Paula Owen
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
As co-founder of the not-for-profit charity, Grassroots Assistance in Rural Development (GARD), Paula is deeply committed to humanitarian efforts. GARD provides vital resources such as clean water, agricultural support, and tertiary education to rural Ugandan communities, fostering sustainable development and brighter futures.

Pauline Phiri
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
Outside of work, I enjoy early morning walks, reading articles, and indulging in my passions for travel, live jazz, and interior design.
Whether I'm optimizing control systems or curating a living space, I bring enthusiasm and a meticulous eye to every endeavor.

Philip Wride
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
After breaking his neck playing rugby in January 2020 and losing 50% of his business through the COVID lockdowns Philip has since redesigned his business to focus on leverage and uses his skills and experience to help others. He’s written the bestselling book “Finally Find Freedom” in the self-help space and helps female coaches and course creators solve the tech headache to save time, earn more and have more impact.

Reta Guild
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
I’m happily married to the love of my life and am a proud mother to three grown children. As “Gigi” to four, soon to be five, beautiful grandchildren, my family brings immense joy to my life.
My journey has also included profound challenges; I am an Angel Mom following the tragic loss of my oldest son two years ago. This experience has deepened my commitment to supporting mental wellness and guiding others through their own grief. Through these efforts, I honor his memory and the memories of others I have lost and strive to make a positive impact in the lives of others.
I'm beyond honored to be a co-author in this project, sharing trauma to aide others in their journey of healing.
Many blessings, Reta

Rony Armas
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
Co-Founder and Art Director for Lunaset Studio and Design, his mission was to regenerate the influence of fine art on commercial art. Lunaset was a multimedia design agency that served business ventures, community projects, educational institutions, and other artists. The agency also offered marketing consultations to clients as requested. Lunaset was dissolved in the winter of 2008, leaving Rony free to pursue a more creative freelance career.
A few of Rony’s most notable clients include world famous female percussionist, Sheila E.; pop singer, Christina Milian; North Hollywood’s longest-running street arts fair, NoHo Scene; global talent search, World Championship of Performing Arts; Muay Thai Promoters, Stand Up Promotions; and legendary Latin Jazz percussionist and Latin Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award Honoree, Pete Escovedo.
As a photographer/cameraman, Rony has worked on many award-winning independent films and documentaries. The latest being an Oscar Nominated, hard-hitting documentary on survivors of human trafficking called Surviving Sex Trafficking. This film was directed by Sadhvi Siddhali Shree and Sadhvi Anubhuti, and produced by Alyssa Milano, Jeannie Mai from the daytime talk show ‘The Real’, and record producer, Jeezy.
Throughout his career Rony has consistently been an advocate for the arts as an avenue for healing and uplifting communities, speaking at various city councils, and representing local artists and art initiatives. He also served on the board of the Mid-Town North Hollywood Neighborhood Council, was Vice President of Community Development for the Universal City North Hollywood Jaycees, and was an esteemed member of the Universal City North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Through his extensive volunteer community work, he has received many certificates of recognition from such recognizable community leaders as Richard Alarcon, California Senator of the 4th District (who had proudly displayed an Armas original photograph mounted in our states capitol building in Sacramento), and Los Angeles City Council Members Wendy Greuel and Tom LaBonge.
He has also won many awards for his graphic design work from the Community College Public Relations Organization (CCPRO).
Rony’s most immediate goal is to continue to be a part of greater collaborations to bring art to communities while expanding his knowledge and skill base to, in turn, help others achieve their life goals.

Sam van Born
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
She also welcomes people that are interested in learning about the business. Whether that's making some extra income, referring people with the affiliate program or being a retail customer and enjoying the products.

Saskia Christian
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
Saskia was also a speaker at The No. 1 US tour “Leadership Experience Tour March’24 ” hosted by Shawn Fair in Troy, Michigan. She is passionate about helping underestimated, overlooked, misunderstood business professionals and executive leaders maximize their influence and take their power back for authentic and triumphant living.
For decades, her coaching of a host of leaders from corporate employees to business owners has brought encouragement, healing, and inspiration with extraordinary life-changing results. Her passion is to see lives transformed.
After serving as Resilience ambassador in the corporate world , she founded BoostThru life coaching service helping professionals overcome adversities by tapping into their resilience power and becoming the best version of themselves. She is the published author of the book “ Mindset Mastery” , co-author of the books “On Purpose: Strategies for Living and Leading” , “ You are Enough” , “The Art of Connection: 365 days of Gratitude by Entrepreneurs, Influencers and Business Owners, The Global Resilience Project second book “Resilient A.F : Stories of Resilience” and “Empowered Women in Wellness Courage to Shine” . Two of those books , “ On Purpose: Strategies for Living and Leading” and “You are Enough” are available on her website: www.boostthru.com. Saskia shared her story about her dad’s disappearance in the book “Resilient A.F: Stories of Resilience” which was featured at The 2024 Oscar’s Celebrity gift lounge and will also be showcased in September at The 2024 Emmy’s Celebrity Gift Lounge.
The Art of Connection book made her an International Best-Selling Author with inclusion in The Library of Congress.
In addition to her coaching , speaking and writing endeavors, Saskia is actively engaged in the Chandler Chamber of Commerce, serving on two committees: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, as well as Education and Workforce Development. She is also a reputable member of GSFE ( Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs) organization, which supports and empowers female entrepreneurs. Saskia is also a 2024 GSFE Kindness Award recipient.
Saskia's impactful work has garnered recognition and accolades. In addition to being named Marquis Who’s Who Top Engineer in 2024, she was also named 2023 Marquis Who's Who Honoree for her dedication to empowering others. This prestigious online brand recognition is a testament to the profound impact she is making in the lives of individuals seeking resilience, personal growth, and empowerment.
As a sought-after expert in resilience mastery, Saskia has made several appearances in magazines, TV shows, and podcasts, where she has shared her personal journey of resilience, exceptional mental wellness and leadership development solutions for the business community . Her business brand was featured in Sister Leaders Magazine, Be Well Magazine, Celebrity Boss Magazine, Az TV 7 Arizona Daily Mix show and top news media outlets such as FOX, CBS, The Times and NBC.See link: https://celebrityboss.com/saskia-christian
Saskia’s journey was also showcased at an international level in her guest appearance on Deborah Drummond’s TV show “Mission Accepted” that was broadcast on Apple , Amazon TV and distributed to Australia networks. She also appeared on Deborah Drummond’s 262 Mission Project series as a speaker which will be aired in commemoration of 2024 International Women’s Day .
Saskia is currently interviewing female C-suite executive leaders for her Breaking Barriers Interview Series to capture their leadership insights, and aspirations on resilience cultivation , emotional intelligence mastery , authentic , servant style leadership and influential power maximization. She conceptualized this series with the intent of inspiring and empowering aspiring female executive leaders in the pipeline. Saskia Christian is your go-to expert in Resilience Mastery for combating professionals’ distress with purpose-driven comebacks. She resides in Arizona with her amazing husband and son. You can also find her on the social media platforms LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube at the following link:
Access this link to get her business card: https://blinq.me/AwNFqsqaOm8o9TyYclHM

Savanna Pavan
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Shannon Mitchell
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1

Shannon Villalba
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1
Before she became a lawyer, Shannon produced award-winning websites for Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, and Chippendales and worked with artists such as *NYSNC, Backstreet Boys, Mandy Moore, Taj Mahal, Duran Duran, Britney Spears, and Radiohead. She has been featured in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Authority Magazine, on Follow Your Passion and Beyond Six Seconds Podcasts and WKRC in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Shannon is a small cell cervical cancer survivor. With the help of a range of holistic therapies, she achieved a remarkable journey from stage 4 to being cancer-free within just five months. She utilizes these same tactics in entrepreneurship, along with her legal expertise.

Shelly Smee
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
Ms. Smee is proud to have assisted in the growth of Oakwyn Realty Ltd. from 2017-2023 as Managing Broker, leading a new generation of values driven agents. Shelly is currently an Associate Broker, and teaches and serves on committes at Greater Vancouver Realtors.
Shelly's committment to service in her real estate practice extends to a diverse range of volunteer roles including serving on the Boards of Sports and Arts organizations inclduing Past President of BC Diving and is 2024/2025 Chair, Board Terminal City Glass Cooperative.
As a lifelong learner, Shelly has recently focused on a new set of skills, bringing her love of writing and performing to fruition with a passion for music and storytelling. "I think its important to look towards my 3rd act as an evolution, not retirement. To fully become who I am meant to be, to continue serving both clients and collegues in the many communities I participate in and have fun doing it."
When not showing homes and negotiating contracts you can find Shelly in the Glass Studio, probably singing along to one of her favorite tunes and thinking about how stage her next new listing.

Simone Lovell
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Simran Attili
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Tayla Collings
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2
At the age of 30, Tayla became the youngest female Parts Manager in an industry where such roles were overwhelmingly held by men. While many women worked in parts departments, few had ever ascended to a managerial position, making Tayla's promotion a significant milestone. Her determination and expertise were further demonstrated when she completed only one year of a four-year apprenticeship, then successfully challenged and passed the final cumulative exam on her first attempt.
Driven by a desire to create a work-life balance that prioritized her family, in 2019 Tayla founded her own business. What began as a personal venture to be present for her children has evolved into a thriving enterprise that now supports other women seeking similar opportunities. Remarkably, her businesses have been net positive since day one, a testament to her strategic vision and business acumen.
In 2023, Tayla's commitment to excellence was further recognized when she received the Silver Award in the 'Best of Kamloops' for website builds and has taught thousands of BC entrepreneurs as a Facilitator at Community Futures. Her journey is a testament to resilience, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of success—qualities that continue to inspire those around

Tina Curtis
RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.2

Valerie D. Venables
The Global Resilience Project 1 & RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1 & 2

Valerie D. Venables
The Global Resilience Project 1 & RESLIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience - Vol.1 & 2