Stories of Resilience: Chella Diaz


“After my 17-year relationship ended, I started asking who I was before a housewife and a mom.”

I wondered what the next chapter was going to look like. That’s when my spiritual journey began. The first certification I received was as a Kundalini teacher. Then I became a Reiki teacher and Reiki Master. I have worked with many amazing coaches and mentors, and I learned my purpose. I now know I am here to help other women find their purpose and bring joy into their life. I help them shine their light and live authentically. 

It was interesting to see some of the things that happened after my divorce. As a couple we used to attend a lot of live music events. There were a lot of people we got to know and there were several couples we used to spend time with. I continued to attend the music events but I noticed that the couples began to avoid me – as though getting a divorce was a disease and they were going to catch it. 

Being single, I faced two challenges: going to the movies and having dinner by myself. I remember the first movie I walked in a bit late so I could hide in the dark. I sat toward the front and left a bit early so people would not see me. For my first solo dinner experience, I went for an early dinner when the restaurant was slow, and I ordered enough food for two people. The restaurant was in Santa Monica, California. I remember thinking people are going to judge me. Thinking back, nobody cared that I was eating alone. It was the monkey chatter stepping in. Those two activities took me out of my comfort zone, and I began to gain my confidence back and I started putting together dinner parties. It was great having people around to laugh and I enjoy cooking. 

Please learn from my journey, and if you are in a similar situation, ask yourself what actions could you take right now to speed up the learning curve to find the identity of the person you want to become. What story could you create to help you along the way? Is it time to seek professional help or an accountability group that will guide you and help you stay on track?

Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE.