Stories of Resilience: Anne Ferrier Crook


“The pain, hurt, and buried anger I had carried inside for years was knocking on my door and trying to get my attention.”

It was a Friday evening in April of 2018. The cell phone rang and my doctor confirmed it was cancer. What, I have breast cancer? How can that be? I’m a Certified Health Coach and my lifestyle revolves around health and wellness. I take good care of myself. This can’t be true!

My world was completely changed in a heartbeat. I found myself having a difficult time saying the ‘C’ word. I simply did not identify with it, nor did I want to take on that identity of being a cancer patient. 

What has helped me to move beyond the fear of breast cancer is to create a healing mindset. I am now two and a half years past that diagnosis, and I am happy to say that I am not only a breast cancer survivor, but a breast cancer THRIVER. Creating a healing mindset is everything! 

Some of the ways I have done this is to take charge of my health and be proactive about the “blind spots” in my healthy lifestyle. For example, learning about detoxification and the importance of reducing toxins in my environment that mimic hormones like estrogen.  

Beyond the detoxification, the most profound aspect of my healing journey however has been to heal my emotional wounds. I believe this is the number one priority of any healing journey from cancer, not to mention all chronic illness. Symptoms are a message from our body that something is out of balance and needs our love and attention.  

As I became curious about my breast cancer diagnosis and began to ask what the gift was in this life changing event, I began to hear my intuition more clearly. It was no coincidence that the lump was right near my heart, as I knew this was a message to forgive my Mom. It was crystal clear that my emotional wound from that relationship was speaking to me. The pain, hurt, and buried anger I had carried inside for years was knocking on my door and trying to get my attention.

I am nourishing the relationship with my higher power in amazing new ways, which includes using my talents and gifts to support others in turning their own adversity into the seeds of greatness. I believe that how we face adversity holds the seeds to our greatness, and we all have greatness within us.

Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE.