Stories of Resilience: Deena Nicklefork


Grieve. Allow yourself that. But don’t let yourself stay there. Pick yourself up and move forward. You can still live a very full life.

When I was 19, I was told that I will have fibromyalgia for the rest of my life and there is nothing doctors could do. I cried. I didn’t know what to do. For the next few years, I just tried to live with this new pain and the realization it wasn’t going away. It got bad very quickly and within 4 years, I called my Mom to tell her that I was going to take my life. I couldn’t live like this anymore. My mom was resilient for me – she stepped into action and found me a holistic doctor who helped me figure out how to cope. 

We started attacking my fibromyalgia through diet. I went on with my life. Moved to Toronto. Started the baby steps of my opera career. But I was depressed and when I hit 30, I felt like I was at rock bottom. I knew something needed to change. 

I started working out. Slowly. Something gentle. I came across an online workout that was a mixture of Pilates and yoga. One 20-minute workout would spiral me into days of intense pain. But somehow, I knew it was going to help. So, I kept going. And eventually, I was able to do a workout every day. Slowly I was starting to feel better mentally as well. Then I changed programs and started doing 30 minutes of cross-training. This is where I discovered my love for weights (and my hate for cardio!). 

Then one day, when I was visiting my parents in Alberta, I summited my first mountain. It was a small one – didn’t go above the tree line – but it was a huge milestone for me and a big step. The following summer, I did another one. The summer after that I summited 3 in 3 days. It nearly destroyed me, but I did it. The following summer I completed an 8-day thru-hike, carrying a 50lbs backpack and setting up camp every night. I’ve run multiple 5k’s, one 10k and am training for a half marathon. I continue to hike whenever I can. I workout every day. 

Life went pear-shaped for me 2 years ago again – which led to a diagnosis of PTSD. I’m starting to come out of the most intense depression I have ever experienced. Relationships have been lost. I almost took my life. I ended up in the hospital twice thinking that I was having a heart attack (I was diagnosed with a ‘broken heart’ from emotional trauma). I’m 70lbs heavier. But I’m here. I’m alive. And so, I start again. I push forward. I lean into life and set new dreams. 

Because I am determined. And I am resilient. Since I turned 30, I’ve fought to have an enjoyable life. I give myself grace when I’m having a bad day and embrace the good days. I’m also striving to help encourage others on their journeys with Fibromyalgia through blogging and vlogging.

Stories of Resilience: Deena Nicklefork

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Stories of Resilience: Deena Nicklefork
The 5 Secrets to Strengthening Your Resilience Muscle ​

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