The I Am Resilient Holiday Gift Guide
With holiday parties, family pressure and days like “Black Friday” and “Boxing Day” creeping up not so slowly, it can be hard to avoid the

What We Are Streaming this November
As the days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder, we are finding ourselves more drawn to cozy moments and experiences. There is

Daylight Savings Time Tips To Get You Through
With daylight savings time ending this week, it is hard not to notice that there are more hours of darkness in our days. This time

The Boundary Series: Part 2
Emotional Boundaries Last week on the blog we explored the idea of physical boundaries, which can look like taking physical space from someone or something.

The Boundary Series: Part 1
boundary [ˈbound(ə)rē] NOUN a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line. The next couple of blog posts are going to explore

How To Change Your Relationship with Social Media
In a society where it can be easy and almost default or automatic to resort to your social media apps on your phone or computer,

5 Websites that We Love
For the “I am Resilient” team, we spend much of our time reading and gaining new knowledge. Whether it be through podcasts, books or apps,

Three Videos to Help Increase Your Emotional Resilience
Self-Compassion is the idea of having compassion for yourself like you would for others and we all have this ability. There are various definitions of

Five Podcasts We’re Currently Listening To
Podcasts are a great way to take in new information, gain new insight and take time for yourself. Whether you are driving to a destination

The Gratitude Alarm
When was the last time that you stopped to reflect on what you are grateful for? For me, I have an alarm that goes off

Ten Ways to Engage in Self-Care
Engaging in self-care is very important for both your physical and mental health. You can’t pour from an empty cup so taking care of yourself

Untamed Vulnerability
I was going to start off this post with a definition of the word “vulnerable” but was disappointed with my Googling results. In my mind,