Animal Instagrams to Warm Your Heart
If you didn’t know, it is still winter for all of Canada. This means that the days are still short, the nights are still long,

Tips to Enjoy a Staycation
Winter can feel long and dark, depending on where you live, which can make you want to go away on a vacation. However, going away

Movies and Specials That Will Make You Laugh
I’m not sure about you, but I know during the winter I like to spend more time watching movies and specials. Whether at home or

How to Beat the Winter Blues
Depending where you are in the world, winter can be a hard season. The shorter days, greyer skies and cooler weather can all be difficult

Book Review: 5 Stories of Resilience
If you know me, you know I like to read. I’m drawn to memoirs and biographies mostly, however, I will read a good novel if

Goal Setting for the New Year
It’s the beginning of the new year/new decade and new goals and resolutions are buzzing. The new year is symbolic of a clean slate, and

5 Apps We Use To Make Space
During the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can be hard to find a moment to yourself. Often, this is the time where we

I Am Resilient Project Goals for 2020
The I Am Resilient Project is always evolving and over the past few months, we set some big goals for 2020. The ethos of our

5 Therapeutic Social Media Accounts to Follow
Social media is a great tool to promote and share information on a wide variety of topics. As it can be an open market, it

Four Children’s Stories That Promote Empathy and Self-Compassion
Children are very impressionable and are sponges for their surroundings. It is important to increase their exposure to positive messages and resources. The I Am

Giving Tuesday at I Am Resilient
The first Tuesday after Thanksgiving is often known as “Giving Tuesday.” While society is often excited about deals for holiday season shopping, it is important

3 Websites to Support You and Your Loved Ones’ Mental Health
Accessing mental health information that is accurate and researched is important to ensure that you have sound information. This post highlights a few websites we