Stories of Resilience: Sara Langly
“I am really proud of myself for being the girl who took care of herself and got out of the bad relationship, no matter how

Stories of Resilience: Sabian Finogwar
“As an introvert, when I discovered my entrepreneurial soul, I realized businesses are just people working with people to create value in the world. I

Stories of Resilience: Ryan Barnes
“Please know that you can change your path at any moment.” I pushed people away and isolated myself. I thought the only way out was

Stories of Resilience: Robin Terry
“Don’t give up on your dreams. Don’t stop believing in yourself. Press past the pain and failure to know that all things work together for

Stories of Resilience: Rachel Engstrom
“As a widow I was forced to reboot my life like a computer that wasn’t working.” When I was 28 my husband was diagnosed with

Stories of Resilience: Patricia Clarke
“Have you ever wondered who you really, really are? Have you ever had a deep knowing in your gut, that who you were told you

Stories of Resilience: Ophelia Wang
“Your mind has unlimited power and choice. But only if you choose to heal.” Growing up in a traditional Asian family meant there was extreme

Stories of Resilience: Nathanya Jones
“Even on your darkest day, you’ve got to know that one day, whether it’s 1 year or 10 years from that moment, you’re going to

Stories of Resilience: Naomi Muller
“Take your time. Surround yourself with good and trusting people. Start to open up and talk!” I have been confronted with the loss of loved

Stories of Resilience: Melissa Deally
“I was a Daddy’s girl, I was devastated, but I knew life had to go on. I somehow knew my Dad was still with me.”

Stories of Resilience: Megan Swan
“I always knew I was meant for more, but I didn’t find my path until I got sober.” I used to seek numbness. I used

Stories of Resilience: Mary Dvorak
“I recommend keeping a journal while going through any sort of recovery; it’s even helpful for experiencing everyday life. And lastly, I advise that you