Five Summer Self-Care Tips
The summer season is typically a time that is filled with outdoors, vacations, and time with family and friends. However, this year due to COVID-19,

Body Image Instagram Accounts to Follow
Let’s talk about body image. We appear to be in a cultural shift for the positive right now, as there is an increasing amount of

Diversifying Your Bookshelf
If you know me in my personal life, you’ll know that I love to read and listen to audiobooks. I love to read memoirs, biographies,

Anti-Black Racism Beyond June
Over the past few weeks, I’ve begun to intentionally learn, research, and immerse myself in understanding anti-black racism and the systemic issues that continue to

Learning to Listen, Listening to Learn
On my journey of unlearning and relearning, I’ve been listening to different podcasts as an educational tool. I love podcasts as episodes tend to range

#AmplifyMelanatedVoices, a hashtag that is trending on social media thanks to Jessica Wilson and Alishia McCullough, encourages people to “mute the white noise” as a

It’s Time To Acknowledge White Privilege
Right now we are living among two global pandemics. One is COVID-19, and the other, deep-rooted in hundreds of years, racism. In particular, anti-black racism.

5 Ways to Physically Distance Safely in the Warm Weather
We, in North America, are entering week 11 of practicing safe physical distancing. Where I live, Toronto, this past weekend displayed an unfortunate scenario where

Attitude is Everything
We all have the potential to become more than we ever dreamed. You have greatness within you and your attitude is the key to unlocking

Podcasts We Are Listening To
As the weather gets nicer, and physical-distancing is still the preferred method of living, I’ve become more accustomed to listening to podcasts on my solo-walks.

What We Are Watching: Spring 2020 Edition
May is here, and while in some parts of the world the weather is nice, in other parts of the world, spring is still sorting

Good News is Good For You
As we enter week eight of the pandemic, there is definitely a fatigue that has set in. Whether it be from the amount of news