Stories of Resilience: Patricia Clarke


Have you ever wondered who you really, really are? Have you ever had a deep knowing in your gut, that who you were told you were, was not, in fact, who you actually are?

As a child, I stood in the shadows. No one knew what I was thinking or even if I was thinking. Out of sight, out of mind like any good child, back then, right? How could I not be – I’d had a lifelong nagging sense that my dad was not… my dad. At times, I was lost in a sea of fear and doubt. And then one day, I heard the words that I had always been fearing. 

“You must be adopted, you don’t look like anyone else in your family.”

The nagging feelings I always had in my head and the aching I had in my heart had just been validated… by a stranger. I had always felt the man I was told was my father was not my birth father.

Have you ever wondered who you really, really are? Have you ever had a deep knowing in your gut, that who you were told you were, was not, in fact, who you actually are? This is how I felt at that moment. What began then was a decades-long search, full of hope and pain, for my true paternity. What came out of it, was not only the truth, but a book, too. I turned my pain into purpose, and I made peace.

At the start of writing the story of recounting my journey to find my true paternity, I had no experience in writing however, like the rest of my life, the lack of experience didn’t stop me. My dream of finding the truth was my life raft. 

But I have to be honest; it was tough. But not as tough as living it. People are sometimes afraid to look at the truth. Consider this, though, how many of the greatest challenges on our life’s journey are not due to physical or financial circumstances, but to a lack of emotional support? So many. 

While searching for the truth, I built up a tolerance for lies. It was like a daily dose of what you are allergic to, to build up your immunity. The result is that I want to inspire people to have difficult conversations. The outcome may be far greater than you ever anticipated. Mine certainly was.

Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE.