“You may not always get what you want in life but you have to remember to be patient, be grateful, and allow God to work through you. He’s got you.”
After years of crying, wishing, praying, enduring several painful treatments, and one miscarriage, we finally had our child only to be told that her life expectancy was 20 days to a year.
I remember the doctors telling me ‘AlexAndrea was not going to make it’. I was crushed. My mind was so fogged up by the terrible news that I never even heard the alarms go off when she coded on the first day, nor did I hear the multiple footsteps running by as doctors rush to the scene to bring her back to life. It was only after a few minutes that I actually understood what was happening.
We spent 8 months literally living in the hospital fighting for my daughter’s life. AlexAndrea underwent several surgeries including open-heart surgery. She was diagnosed with a disease so rare that there are only 1 in 5 other cases like hers, all with very distinct conditions and capabilities. My life drastically changed and not for what I thought it was going to be once becoming a mom. I felt so defeated. It was as if God wasn’t hearing my prayers. However, it was only by having gone through that darkness and holding on to the ounce of faith that was left in me that I was able to see the beauty and miracles God was doing not just with her but in my life as well.
With His grace, I saw a new dream. Never could I have imagined such a beautiful child I get to care for and that I get to be her mommy. Through gratitude, I found purpose and meaning in my life, and it is all very humbling. I am grateful for His perfect plan, and for all the things I think I deserve and God doesn’t.

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