I Am Resilient: Robin Terry


This is Robin and she is RESILIENT.

CONTENT WARNING: The I Am Resilient Project provides an open space for people to share their personal experiences. Some content in this post and on this website will include topics that you may find difficult.

Describe the situation where you had to be resilient:

At 15 years old, I found out I was pregnant.

Robin’s Story

I’m from a small town, and when the news of my pregnancy started to spread, I was looked down upon and talked about. Many people said I ruined my life and I would become nothing. My father, my hero and king, distanced himself from me. As a result, I thought I was never good.

As I grew older, I made unwise decisions that caused me more pain and disappointment. I battled suicidal thoughts and self-loathing. I tried hard to hold on to what little faith I had left. It was hard. I wanted to give up many times. Because I was in a hurt place, I tried finding what I needed to fill the void in my heart in tumultuous relationships.

One relationship in particular almost destroyed me. I was physically and emotionally abused in this relationship. It was also because of this relationship that I sought out The Lord. I used my faith to fuel my survival. It was God who helped me to see my self-worth. It was God who loved me through it all. It was because of my renewed faith in God that I was able to persevere and survive to tell you my story. I was able to graduate from college with a bachelor’s degree. Then, I went on to pharmacy school to obtain my Doctor of Pharmacy degree. I’ve also gone even further to obtain the Master of Business Administration degree.

I consistently told myself “Quitting is not an option!” I had to keep going. I knew that if I didn’t stop, then God would be sure to show Himself strong in my life. I would get up early and stay up late when I needed to study. I also encouraged myself after every failure. I knew that failing was only my opportunity to try again in a better way to reach my goals.

I worked two jobs at a time to make sure my daughter and I had a roof over our heads even though it was hard most days. I knew I wanted us to have a good life and to not suffer in poverty according to statistical data. My daughter was my motivation. I had to live for her. I had to push myself for her. I had to keep going for her. As time went on, I knew I had to do all of these things for ME as well.  

How did you practice resilience when faced with this challenge?

I practiced resilience by first believing in myself. I knew that my life would be only what I made it. I had to first believe that I could achieve anything I put my mind to even though others said I couldn’t.

Please share one piece of advice for people who are going through a similar challenge

Don’t give up on your dreams. Don’t stop believing in yourself. Press past the pain and failure to know that all things work together for your good.

Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE and thank you for being brave and sharing your journey.