This is Karen Diaz and she is RESILIENT.

CONTENT WARNING: The I Am Resilient Project provides an open space for people to share their personal experiences. Some content in this post and on this website will include topics that you may find difficult.
Describe the situation where you had to be resilient:
Being born with a disability is tough. I have two choices: to dwell or be resilient and never give up.
Karen’s Story:
Throughout life, I’ve experienced pain, self-doubt, low-self esteem and depression. My most recent experience that began last year was traumatic. I was born with brittle bone disease so I break very easily and last year I fell and broke my hip. This occurred March 13, 2019, I went to the ER and doctors told me I was fine only had bruising since the X-rays came back clear. One week later, on March 20, 2019, I saw my orthopedic surgeon for a follow-up. She looked at my X-rays from the ER and didn’t see any fractures but since she’s very knowledgeable of my condition and she took into consideration my pain, she decided to do further testing and ordered a CT scan.
The testing was done, I was waiting in my room with both my parents and my doctor comes and told me that I need immediate surgery. I was feeling shocked. I was in disbelief. She admitted me into the hospital and scheduled for surgery. On March 21, 2019, I had my surgery. It took a while but the doctors said it was successful, however, I never would have imagined what would happen next.
During my recovery, in the recovering room, I needed post-operation X-rays, so the radiologist came to get me. They were not being very gentle and I was in pain. After a long night of spewing due to anesthetic symptoms on March 22, 2019, I thought I was finally going to eat a light meal. Although that was my hope, the nurse comes in and starts prepping another IV bag and says that I’ll be having another surgery.
My mind went empty my face went blank and the nurse said “I’ll double-check”. Sadly, he was right he came back with the IV and I cried so much. My surgeon came in again and explained that my hardware came out of place and needed surgery again. This surgery was on March 22, 2019.
I was scared because I’ve never experienced having two surgeries in less than 24hrs. I made sure my surgeon took the X-rays because I didn’t want the same experience as last time. The second surgery went well and I was recovering. During this time, I was in school. I had to withdrawal from school and retake the classes in the fall semester. I was scared that I was not going to graduate on time but I had so much support from my counsellor.
I retook my classes and graduated in May 2020. I was doing so well recovering. After being one-year post-op, I went to my surgeon for unbearable pain. She does an examination and returns to me saying I need surgery. One of my screws came loose and needed to be fixed. I cried so much I was angry and I was disappointed. I was still processing my last trauma but while I was in my room I said to myself saying “Okay Karen, this is nothing. You’ve done this many times since birth you can do it!”
I was frightened to have surgery during a pandemic. If I stayed overnight, my mom was not able to stay with me. I had my surgery early morning and it went well. I was in recovery and my surgeon and I decided I would go home the same day. As I am recovering at home I cried because I lost the year progress I made from the last surgery I had to start all over. It took me days to get out my dark whole but I managed to be resilient I didn’t lose my faith.
How did you practice resilience when faced with this challenge?
Recovery is a process we don’t develop courage by just putting on a smile every day. We develop courage by surviving every obstacle.
Please share one piece of advice for people who are going through a similar challenge:
You have the power to choose your mindset. Let yourself choose you. It’s okay to want better.
Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE.
???? California, USA