Hamza Najam – RESILIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience


Alcohol and drug addiction had taken over my life. I could not go a day without drinking a bottle of wine or six cans of beer. I had been trying to stop for five years but failed every time and was in a very bad place in life. I had lost my friends, I was broke, and I was almost about to lose my job.

At the age of 19, I moved to Canada. On paper, it was to get a better education than I would back home. The real mission, though, was to complete my education, make something out of myself, and pave the way for my parents and brother to move to Canada in search of a more comfortable life. 

I had to find my own way, work minimum wage jobs, pay $20,000/year in tuition fees, and put a roof over my head without any work experience or any family in Canada, all at the age of 19. 

Once I got here, things shifted quickly, and the allure of the underground party scene in Toronto consumed me quickly. I thought I was just having fun…I always had the work hard, play hard mentality.

Before I knew it, alcohol and drugs became a big part of my identity, a constant presence in my daily life. I would drink to celebrate, drink when I was upset, drink because it’s the evening, binge drink with my friends, binge drink at home for no reason… I found any excuse to have a drink. 

By the time I was 30, the mission was far from complete, and I had not met my parents in nearly a decade.

I was drinking every day, indulging in drugs every weekend, and spiraling into a pit of depression, financial instability, and self-loathing. I hated who I had become and hated being in my own skin. I felt alone; not having met my family for so long took its toll on me. I was the black sheep of my family, and I had become the laughingstock. 

I had this overwhelming sense of failure like I let my family down and my brother down, and because of me, they may never have a shot at a better life. 

No matter how hard I tried, I felt alone and could not find love or happiness. This kept me firmly in the throes of alcohol addiction.

I was caught in a vicious cycle, a carousel of self-destruction that I couldn’t seem to escape. I tried to quit multiple times, but each attempt ended in failure. I was trapped; the more I struggled, the deeper I sank. Nothing seemed to work. After going to AA meetings, outpatient programs, and therapy, I had nearly given up.

But on March 11, 2020, I decided to make one last attempt. I picked up a book, “Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself,” which was like a beacon of light in the darkness. I realized that I was the architect of my own misery, and only I had the power to dismantle it. Dr Joe Dispenza introduced me to the quantum world of energies and the idea of manifesting the exact reality you want. This realization was a turning point for me. It lit a fire in my belly. 

The first month of sobriety was a battle. I grappled with withdrawals, my hands shook uncontrollably, and anxiety was my constant companion. Sleep was elusive; I was exhausted but held on, drawing upon an inner strength I didn’t know I possessed. 

I took it one day at a time, and slowly, I saw a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. I started to love myself again. 

As the world struggled with the COVID-19 pandemic, I saw the devastating impact it was having on people’s mental health. 

I saw good people succumbing to the pressures of isolation, turning to alcohol as a crutch. I saw an increase in stress and anxiety on a global scale and a sharp decline in mental health. This is when I realized I could do more than just help myself; I could help others just like me.

Three months into my sobriety, I found my calling. I became fascinated with neuroscience and its power in effecting change in the brain. I reinvented myself as a Sobriety Coach and Meditation Teacher, earning certifications in Neuroscience, Meditation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Breathwork, and Alcohol Recovery Coaching. I was determined to use my experience and newfound knowledge to help others. 

The Hard Reset Method was born. (Later became Breathesober™.️

By January 2021, I created a novel program designed to help people create an alcohol-free lifestyle. I started changing hundreds of lives, using mindfulness and sobriety as my tools. I was no longer a victim of my addiction; I was a beacon of hope for others struggling with their own. 

Today, we have a thriving community of over 1500 members, actively working towards sobriety or living an amazing, alcohol-free life.

In the process of helping others, I transformed my own life. I quadrupled my income, found the love of my life, lost weight, and became a pillar of strength for hundreds of others. I was no longer the man who was defined by his addiction; I was the man who had overcome it and was using his experience to help others do the same. The big difference? I absolutely loved who I had become. I loved the person I saw in the mirror.

Looking back, I realize that my journey was not just about overcoming addiction. It was about rediscovering my strength, reclaiming my life, and redefining my identity. It was about breaking the habit of being myself and becoming who I was meant to be. 

Today, I stand tall, not as a victim, but as a survivor. Today, I am 1244 days Sober. I spend my days healing others, helping them release their trauma and find peace with an alcohol-free life. My brother is in Canada, and my parents can come and go as they wish. I am living the life I once could only dream of. 

I am a testament to the power of change, the strength of the human spirit, and the resilience of the mind. I am a source of healing and change for those still trapped in the throes of addiction, living proof that it’s never too late to change your life.

My journey has taught me that we all have a light inside of us, that we have the power to change, and that it’s never too late to start over. It has taught me that we are not defined by our past but by our choices, actions, and determination to create a better future. 

And for that, I am forever grateful.

Practicing resilience for me looked like learning to sit with my painful emotions each time I craved a drink. I learned to practice self-love by enduring the cravings because I knew it was for my highest good. I cut out all distractions of going out, socializing, and feeling like I was missing out because I knew I had to do this. 

Alcohol is not the problem; it is a symptom of a deeper problem. Without uncovering and addressing this deeper-rooted problem, true freedom will be hard to come by.

Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE.