Godsway Tek Agyagbo – RESILIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience


Resilience reared its head for me when I had to resign from a job I had known and loved all my life because the organization’s failure victimized me.

I had felt my life had come to an end, with hopelessness, devastation, feelings of guilt, and self-blame. For a long period of 15 months, I was consumed with feelings of anger, resentment, and a loss of trust in others or myself.

I had to move far away from home, family, and friends to process all that had happened, even though I had seen it coming years before. Relocating and seeking peace and sanity with my best friend, Osbert, was my first step, and that has kept me alive today. I was broke, had no job, and no energy and purpose to find a new job, all amidst my already challenging emotional state.

Isolation, loneliness, loss of purpose, and identity took me into the darkest moments of my life: depression. I became suicidal; I had attempted to take my life twice but got saved. My best friend Osbert’s apartment was on the 4th floor, so imagine the fear and sleepless nights I put my friend through. 

I took a job, alas, as a delivery boy, and my love for motorbikes made it an easier decision, even though I know some of my friends made fun of me (from grace to grass). I remember some days on the highways while riding to deliver parcels to clients, and I would purposely ride in front of heavy trucks in pursuit of ending my life. Again, I got saved by the owner of the car, who knocked me off my bike with only a scratch on my hands and knees.

One day, I parked the delivery motorbike under a footbridge, walked up the bridge, and stood there, gathering the courage to jump. A homeless boy who had thought he could get some coins from me kept pulling my shirt and signaling me to give him money for food. I gave this boy (about seven years old) all my sales money from my delivery sales that day. 

It was then I realized I could do some good again. It was on that same bridge my friend and mentor, Elizabeth Wolf, messaged me and said she was willing to support me with a monthly allowance to keep me going because I hated the delivery job even though I loved that I had a motorbike at my disposal. 

The only job that gives me meaning is working with kids and young people, and that got taken away from me.

I don’t know how I coped exactly, but I survived because my friend Osbert took me in for 13 months. I didn’t have to contribute to bills or buy food, and I had free internet. So, the moment Elizabeth Wolf started sending me my monthly allowance, I had hope. Then she visited Ghana and took me on a vacation while playing tour guide, my second favorite job, which has become a side business since Elizabeth’s visit. While kayaking on the Volta Lake with Elizabeth and her daughter Samantha, the idea of an after-school center settled on me.

Another friend I am grateful for is Ali Francis; he isn’t just an incredible friend; he’s like a brother. He’s always been there for me through thick and thin, offering a listening ear without judgment. I remember vividly how, when I confided in him about [specific struggle], he surprised me by starting a monthly allowance that continues to this day.

His generosity extends far beyond finances. He donated computers to my after-school center, treated hardworking kids to celebratory dinners, and even surprised me with unforgettable vacations. Every gesture, big or small, speaks volumes about his caring nature and unwavering support. I’m incredibly grateful to have him in my life.

I am alive today because my friends supported and loved me until my dreams of working with young people came to light. That was hope. That was life again. 

I started reading books again when confronted with this challenge and the need to practice resilience. I got back online, researching ways to bring global volunteers and travelers down to my village in Ghana to support some of my youth development projects.

I started writing partnership proposal letters and emails, contacting universities, high schools, and organizations in Europe and North America.

Working daily towards launching an after-school center in my village made me tough. It made me withstand the darkness of depression. 

Never forget that even if all family members and trusted friends forsake you or victimize you, find a way to open up yourself to be loved whenever the chance presents itself. If you can, go out and treat yourself, drink with a friend or random person. Keep your mind open to only those who pour positive vibes into your dark moments.

Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE.