Five Videos to Invigorate and Motivate


Winter is here and the time-change has set in. Staying motivated can be hard when the days are shorter, and the weather is cooler. While it is important to balance resting and doing, I find it more difficult to do the “doing” part during this time of year. 

Sometimes we need external supports to help us stay motivated. Using self-care techniques, changing the routine, or through loved ones, sometimes can help reinvigorate that motivation internally. For me, sometimes it is watching motivational videos. 

Here are five videos that motivate and invigorate me:

Brene Brown- The Power of Vulnerability

I’m sure it comes as a shock to no one that Brene Brown is the first on my list. A fellow social worker, Brene speaks about topics that aren’t openly talked about. This talk is about vulnerability, shame, and compassion.

Kristin Neff- Self-Compassion

Sometimes, when I’m feeling unmotivated, it is common for me to engage in negative self-talk, blaming myself for the lack of motivation. This talk is about being kind to yourself, and how to cultivate self-compassion. 

Kamala Harris’ 2020 Victory Speech

Breaking the glass ceiling, Kamala’s speech reflects that change can happen. While I’m Canadian, the significance of this victory represents more than just a “party” line, and shows you should never say never. 

Alison Ledgerwood – Getting Stuck in the Negatives

In another TED talk, Ledgerwood, who is a social psychologist, talks about how negative and positive mind-frame works and how it is harder to shift from negative to positive then from positive to negative.

Michelle Obama’s Speech for Students

Ok, so I’m not a student, yet I still find myself coming back to this short motivational video. There’s something about the combination of Obama’s intonation, and words, that get me motivated and invigorated. 

What other videos do you tend to watch? Comment below and let us know. 

Written by Alana Kaplan, Project Manager for the I Am Resilient Project.