Cathy Derksen – RESILIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience Vol.2


Over the past ten years I’ve embraced the courage, tenacity, and resilience to completely reinvent my life, I left an abusive marriage, and walked away from two toxic jobs, to follow my passion to help women rediscover their brilliance and step into new possibilities.

When I was 44 years old, my family was involved in a fatal car accident. This event gave me the wake-up call I needed to snap out of the daze I had been living in. At the time, I was married, had two teenagers, and had been working in clinical genetics for 25 years. I had become numb to the reality I was living in. After the accident it was like a lightbulb turned on in my brain so I could finally see the abusive, toxic environments I had been living with and working in. When I realized the impact our negative family situation was having on my children, I knew it was up to me to get us all out of this reality.

Despite knowing that it would not be easy, I made the massive decision to leave my abusive marriage and set out as a single mom. I also left my job to pursue a more aligned career with my gifts and passion.

After deep reflection, it became clear that my heart was focused on helping women around the world create better lives for themselves. At that time, I had no idea how I would do that, but my intuition told me I was on the right path. I decided to pursue a career in financial planning as I knew money was a challenge for many women. I thought this would be my path to helping women improve the quality of their lives. After months of training, hours of exams, and ten years working in this specialty, I realized it was not going to be the platform that allowed me to have the impact I felt called to provide for women around the world.

Once again, I took on the courage, tenacity, and resilience I needed to make massive changes in my life. To truly follow my calling, I knew I needed to do it my way. I knew I needed the flexibility and creativity to bring together my own approach to helping women rediscover their brilliance and take on new possibilities. I left behind the comforts of a regular paycheck and good benefits to start my own business. I had no experience running a business, and, in the beginning, I still wasn’t clear about the bigger vision of my plans, but I had faith in myself to figure it out.

It’s been three years since I started my business called ‘Inspired Tenacity.’ I’ve followed my heart in developing opportunities to help women reinvent their lives. I’m focused on creating multi-author books to give women a platform for sharing their journey and becoming published authors. I’ve put together retreats and speaking events so women can come together and collaborate in many ways. Following my intuition and listening to my international community, I have found opportunities to use my gifts and create a life filled with positive change and accomplishments for myself and my family.

My resilience came from applying grit and tenacity to everything I did. I held a deep confidence in my ability to figure out a solution and a path forward regardless of the obstacles in my life. I would often say to myself, “Chin up. Keep moving.”

Trust in your ability to figure it out. Keep moving forward. Tenacity and resilience go hand in hand.

Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE.