Cassanda Rosa made the decision to leave her corporate job to create a fulfilling business. This is her story and she is resilient.

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Trigger Warning: The Resilience Project provides an open space for people to share their personal experiences. Some content in this podcast may include topics that you may find difficult. The listener’s discretion is advised.

About the Guest:

Cassandra Rosa is an intuitive certified life and business coach. She helps spiritual entrepreneurs create fulfilling businesses with clarity and confidence. In her coaching practice, she loves to teach her clients how to clarify their path to their purpose, connect to their inner confidence and create the fulfilling business they daydream about. Cassandra Rosa is a healer, Reiki master, an award-winning speaker, and award-winning author of the book Now What: Create the Clarity to Achieve Your Dreams. Cassandra also is a podcast host of a personal development and business podcast called Fulfilled Female Entrepreneur. It’s available on all major podcast platforms! Check out her website to learn about her signature course Fulfilled Femme Entrepreneur.







Blair Kaplan Venables:

trigger warning, the Resilience Project provides an open space for people to share their personal experiences. Some content in this podcast may include topics that you may find difficult, the listeners discretion is advised.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Hello friends, welcome to radical resilience, a weekly show where I Blair Kaplan Venables have inspirational conversations with people who have survived life's most challenging times. We all have the ability to be resilient and bounce forward from a difficult experience. And these conversations prove just that, get ready to dive into these life changing moments while strengthening your resilience muscle and getting raw and real.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Welcome back to another episode of radical resilience. It's me Blair Kaplan Venables coming into your ears. Today I'm here with Cassandra Rosa, who is an intuitive certified life and business coach. She helps spiritual entrepreneurs create fulfilling businesses with clarity and confidence. What I really love about her is that she embodies what she does. And her story of resilience is the bridge to where she is today. You want to learn more about her her info is gonna be in the show notes. But I am so excited to bring her in. So let's just talk about how awesome you are. Cassandra, welcome to the mic.

Cassanda Rosa:

Thank you so much for having me. Thank you.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

So you have done what probably many millions of people are dreaming of doing and it was leaving corporate. It was a corporate America is that when you I'm Canadian? We don't call it corporate Canada. So

Cassanda Rosa:

yeah. I'm Canadian, too. So yeah. Yeah. So surance industry, I was working in the insurance industry. Yeah.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Right. You are Canadian. So for you Americans out there leaving corporate America, but we don't call it that in Canada. So she left corporate to create a fulfilling business. And like, that's a big deal. Like it's a scary, scary leap. And I would love to know your story.

Cassanda Rosa:

Thanks. So from a young age, I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world. I didn't know what that meant. But that kind of saying, just keep leading me to where I am today. So I thought, okay, maybe I'll be a teacher psychologist. And halfway through my degree, I just felt like there was more, they said that you had to be in school for 12 years. I love learning. But there's something about the traditional school system that I wasn't resonating with. So I had what I called my big now what moment what am I going to do with my life. And in that transitional phase, in my life, I experienced a lot of anxiety, a lot of depression, a lot of isolation, and kind of, you know, having those moments of having the blanket over your head, and just stepping away from everybody in their, you know, their journeys, because I had a lot of friends that did things the traditional way. But it was interesting, as I'm having this big now at moment, while I was in university, there was a woman that came in, and it was talking about this opportunity to go on an exchange, and to travel the world. And I said, that would be a great opportunity. So I did that. And when I got back, I got the travel bug, I got this opportunity to go to Africa, which we've kind of talked about, and it was such a big opportunity. And everybody was terrified, you know, for me going and I'm like my soul was just pulling me there. So it was mentoring kids and after school program, and I fell in love with mentorship. I fell in love with those light bulb moments that you can create for people to create lasting change in their life. But you know, when you get back from a trip like that, you get back to the real world. And you're like I need to make money and you know that mainstream way of doing things. But this mentorship was always behind the scenes. And I thought one day I'll just make a lot of money and I'll create a foundation. So when I was in this big loss now what moment phase again, I had my family in my ear that was like, you're supposed to take over the family insurance business, go and do this, you'll make a lot of money, then you can change the world, they would say. So I went into insurance. I took all these you know, different certifications. I was in the job I was doing really well. I was the youngest woman, the youngest person in the office. But I would sit there while doing cold calls just dreaming of like making a difference helping people those light bulb moments and really making a change. And at that point, it was all question marks. Like if there was a thought bubble here, it would just be like do to do question marks. I don't know what that's gonna look like but I keep feeling this intuitive pull that there was something more. So I don't know if I was young and naive. But I ended up being like, Okay, I'm gonna leave this insurance job and I'm gonna go and discover myself like, I'm gonna go and figure out what this means. So I ended up doing some marketing jobs and some sales jobs just to make ends meet, but I was a contractor. So I had some space to be able to develop myself. So I went really deep and personal development, spirituality and started to realize, being a coach helping people create businesses, helping them, kind of with that transition of that calling for more would be the way that I could make a mark on the world. So within six months of starting my business, I went full time, I grabbed my laptop the day after I quit, and started to travel the world and was coaching people. And it's just been the most beautiful fulfilling process in the path of doing it.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

That's amazing. So you left your family business, what was that? Like? What was that like with your relationship with your family? Like, let's let's dive into that a bit. Because that's, there's leaving corporate and then they're leaving your family business? Yeah.

Cassanda Rosa:

My family's like, are you crazy like this, you would be set for the rest of your life, it would be so evil for you, and you're so good at it. And so it was like their dreams were being shattered. And while I was in the process of creating what I have now, there was a lot of doubt behind the scenes, there was a lot of their fear projected onto me. But once they launched my book in the pandemic, and they saw all my clients there and my like virtual book launch, and all the people that I was helping, you know, that it's sad in that I had made the right decision, but there still are those little moments where I can still see behind the scenes that they wish that I want to just took that over, you know,

Blair Kaplan Venables:

yeah, I mean, it's so interesting. You know, show having them show up to your space, in a world that they're not familiar with, and showing them what you've built. It's, you know, it's a very special feeling. And I don't know if you feel this, but like, so I am an entrepreneur, I literally been an entrepreneur forever. And my family was very much like go to school, get a job. Yeah, even though I have lots of entrepreneurs in my family, but you know, the safe route is go to school, get a career stay in your career, but that wasn't meant for me. Like that's not meant for you. And I felt because I started my business. I don't know how old you are. But I started my business when I was 23. At the beginning of the recession in 2008, my marketing, my public relations, business and marketing. I felt like I always had to prove myself. And it's so funny, because my sister pointed out because like, there's the way I talk, and then that goes then like there's the way to talk about my business in like a sales tone. And it's so funny because like, I've been around for 15 years. So it's like, yeah, I've proven myself like I'm here. Did you feel like you find that you, like had to constantly show up in a different way for your parents to like prove that you're on the right path? Or did you let that go?

Cassanda Rosa:

Yeah, so I started in entrepreneurship in 2015. So I guess it's eight years now. And I'm starting gear five of like the one on one coaching that I do now. And initially, I felt like I had to prove myself. But then I started to realize that that was the energy behind what I was doing for a moment there. So I caught myself and kind of stayed in my own lane. You know, like, unless they asked, I would tell them what I was doing, though, with if I'm like, me signed a big contract with the client, or they got a big lightbulb moment. They weren't the first people I was turning to getting it. So I think that now once they've recognized what I'm doing, I share a lot more of that. But that proving myself thing I tried to not stay in that for too long. I just kind of kept it in words, even with close friends too, that are all on that like mainstream nine to five path that didn't get it, I found myself kind of filtering certain things that I was saying unless they they leaned in and had interest to me, because in the beginning I would get so let down. I would just be so excited being like, oh my gosh, like, you know, I I helped my client to leave a toxic relationship and her life is just so different. And she's seeing the world differently, like small little things like that. And they would just Oh, that's cool.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The struggle is real. But that's why there's coaches, you know, like we don't have to do it alone. And and like if you're thinking of needing support, like in whatever you're doing, you don't like our family is meant to be our family and our friends, our friends, like we don't need to go to them for certain things, right. We don't need to, like we want their support and everything but sometimes they're not equipped to give us the support we need because they don't have the training or background. I want to switch gears a bit. Let's talk about your book. So you are a healer Reiki master award winning speaker, award winning author. Your book is called now what three clarity achieve your dreams. Let's talk about your book like do you Like, how do we do this? How do we achieve our dreams? Yeah.

Cassanda Rosa:

So the book is really about these now what moments those moments of transition when you're seeking more, but you're in this like one foot on one side, one on the other, and you're trying to make that jump. So it can be so many different things for so many people now at moments, which I think is great, even talking to people that have read the book, seeing what's resonated with them, but they've all had different experiences, amazing. So it can be when you're wanting to become a full time entrepreneur, it can be when you leave a relationship, it can be when you're trying to discover yourself and make a big jump. So I it's an interesting way that I wrote it, I wanted it to be storytelling, of course. But also there's like lines in the book and exercises that you can grab a pen, and you can fill out the exercises and get some sort of breakthrough. So in terms of the process that I kind of walk people through is really to get into like a place of gratitude and appreciation for the moment in time that they're in and clear the resistance and the stories that are holding them back and connect to what it is that they want next what those dreams are, and just helping them to start that momentum and get that movement going. Because I find that with people that have these big dreams, I'm sure every single listener has a Sunday dream that they want to step into the how the fears, all these, you know, limiting beliefs come up. And I find that by taking that action, one step after another, it all falls into place. So you can plan forever for your whole life. But there's something about taking massive action towards that you want to create that will allow that, that dream to come into place one step after the next.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

That's beautiful. I want to talk about what you just said messy action because it's funny, I was just thinking, like, my whole thing about resilience is that like you have to hurt to heal. Like it's like, you can't heal unless you're actually acknowledging the pain. And it's messy healing is not linear. And that's like really relatable to anything that now what moment because it's the unknown. How do we do that? Like how do we get get like how do we? How do we be brave enough to step into the unknown?

Cassanda Rosa:

leaning into curiosity, I think was something that really helped me. Because the universe, I don't know how spiritual your listeners are, but they love to show signs, right? Like when you're scrolling on Instagram, and you're seeing this book, like just coming up constantly wire coming up, okay, that might be a sign or seeing Angel numbers, or meeting somebody and getting this gut feeling that you should talk to them. It's really to uncertainty can be scary. But the way that you can shift your focus of being caught up in the stories and the fears of the question marks is leaning into the curiosities and these things that are showing up that will guide you out of the uncertainty and get you on the path that you're destined to be. So I remember when I was going through my network moment, when I got back from Africa, I just started saying yes to opportunities that crossed my path. And then I met my first business partner, and then I went to my first seminar and things just fell into place. So instead of being caught up in the question marks just lean into the curiosities and the things that you feel like you're being drawn to, and I feel like that will help you shift through that state.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

That's what that's yeah, that's beautiful. But that's also like, really scary. Like, what are some of the fears that people have? Like, I can tell you the biggest fear is money that like I it's like, well, I mean, it's been 15 years, but the biggest fear and it's always like, something that, you know, we need to worry about, like what are some of the biggest fears that you see about people like, not stepping into their now what moment like, what is it?

Cassanda Rosa:

Yeah, so I find a lot of things is just like the fears and the stories in the program that we've had of just being scared of something different and leaving their comfort zone. I feel like comfort is something that people strive for in life. And when they're wanting to step into something extraordinary and outside of their comfort zone. There's that little fear about leaving that I think that how to like for a lot of people in in the lens of entrepreneurship. It's like, how am I going to start my business? Like, the fear of the question marks is a real thing. The thought bubble question marks in their mind is something huge. So I think it's really the combination of both of those things, the how and the fears and the doubts that stop people and that's the things that we address with my programs and my coaching and everything that I do is to help people to uncover that and have the awareness of what those stories and fears are so that you're able to deal with them head on and make a shift with them.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Yeah, I think that's so beautiful and like I'm whew, like, I'm I'm very spiritual and I'm like, I've actually my friend Barbie. his launch or she's in the process of launching a course called The Science of signs. And I did a beta. So I did the course and I track my signs like crazy. And so I don't know how much you know about science, but maybe we could talk a bit about what you know, because, you know, if you're paying attention, they're there. If you're not paying attention, you don't notice them, like, I had to magpies build a nest, like I was watching them build a nest for a couple of days, one stick one stick at a time, they built a nest right by my office, and I see Angel numbers everywhere. And I've started keeping track of all my signs that I've noticed, and like the things that are happening around me, some of them are very abnormal. And, you know, a lot of people don't, they just go about their day and like, okay, so it's 1111, or one, you know, or like 333, but they don't like it, that's just a time. But when you're tapped in or when you're more aware, it is potentially a sign. Do you want to talk about that for a bit? Because I just learning about like the science of signs. And I know my friend Barbie is a master at it. But you must you must work with your clients on signs, recognizing them and what they mean.

Cassanda Rosa:

Mm hmm. It's really interesting that you said this, because I literally made a story on my Instagram about like Angel numbers, like what have you been seeing? And what do they mean, then? Yeah, in that phase, the big now what moment of leaving corporate and trying to figure out what those question marks were and what I wanted next, I was seeing a lot of animals. So I was seeing Robins, I was finding this fixation about connecting with like past loved ones and their messages for me. So I started to like, go to a medium and, and connect with that side, the other side. Even like sitting on the subway, you know, and hearing like sometimes, you know, you can't help but overhear people's conversations and seeing what they're saying that could be messages. Scrolling on Instagram, which a lot of people do in social media, maybe you're seeing a motivational quote that's kind of repeating itself, or you open your phone and you see that pop up. So it can be every anything and everything. And I think it's really almost shifting into that abundance mindset of all that there is on the outside. That's for us that's trying to help us and guide us and giving that perspective of the abundance and giving a perspective about you know, like the universe and being supported by like a higher power is something that allows you to be open to receive the signs because like you said, they're always there. They're always right there under our nose. It's just being open to receive them. And again, leaning into that curiosity of Okay, six, I keep seeing 1111 Like, what does that mean? And just doing a Google search or have this Robin is in this tree outside of my window. And every morning, it's chirping, it's waking me up, like, what could that mean? So

Blair Kaplan Venables:

yeah, I do a lot of Googling, I do Googling, and like, it's funny. I mean, I also find with the internet, you can find what you're looking for. It's like Dr. Google, right? Like, oh, no, my stomach hurts. I have cancer, like, you know, it's like, actually, no, you just like eat cheese. Like, you know, but um, I love that. Like, I'm kind of newer of the last couple years after my mom passed away, I kind of started being more spiritual, I'd say. I actually saw like a death doula and grief counselors and was had mediums work with me. And it was just really special. And that's when I was really like, awakened to it. And now I'm starting, like, I've started incorporating it in my business, because that's what I like I am my business. Well, I am not the global Resilience Project. I am the marketing company. But you know, I think like what you said in the beginning about in your gut, your intuition always knowing you, there was something more. That's something that a lot of people ignore. And like, every time I even wrote about it, actually, in my first book, I wrote a practice book before I wrote my first book. So I wrote my first book and my second book, but I talked about like, listening to your gut, and how, like, every time I ignore it, it blows up in my face. And that could be something I think that like, a lot of people can relate to even people who aren't spiritual, but like, you know, they might not say like, they might not see like listening to your gut as like an intuitive hit. But let's talk about that. Like how, like, how do you know when you should be listening to your gut to follow your intuition? Like how let's talk about your signs that that is what you should be doing? Because I think that's something that everyone listening can relate to whether they're spiritual or not.

Cassanda Rosa:

Yeah, so I find too, that there's always a correlation of like Nallet moment self discovery, spirituality awakening, like I find now more and more because of the collective consciousness of the planet like it's elevating to the next level and more and more people are becoming curious and aware and having these gut responses so I love that you were Bring this up. But it's like when you feel something strongly and for people that aren't familiar with intuition, just to kind of give you an indication of what it may be, you know, when you walk into a room and it in at a party, for example, and it's high vibes, and you just want to stay there, you're like, I love this I want to be here, versus how you would feel when you walk into a room and you get this like eerie feeling in the pit of your stomach being like, Ah, this doesn't feel good. I don't really want to be here, right? That could be like a first kind of definition of what it feels like to see that, that difference that polarity of both sides of the spectrum. So if you are at like a fork in the road, and you're just mindlessly going on a hike, and you're like, what direction should I go? And there's left, and there's right. And you're like, I don't know why, but I don't know why. But this direction seems like this is where I should go. That's your intuition is speaking to you, for whatever reason, you feel called to go in this direction. So if you're in this process of decision making, and you don't know what direction to go, imagine seeing that fork in the road, and just see what direction what Inkling what pole, but it might not even be the loudest it can be really quiet. That could lead you into either direction. I find sometimes in the beginning of my journey when I was seeing that fork in the road, and even to this day, when there's decisions when I'm unclear. Having that kind of image in my mind and just seeing where I feel like a poll or or a whisper being like go this way. That helps me out in the process.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

Yeah. So like, listen to your gut. Sometimes your gut knows more than your brain. Mm hmm. I love that. Oh my gosh, that's so cool. Okay, well, how can people learn more about you dive into your world work with you? Listen to your podcasts, where can people find you?

Cassanda Rosa:

Yeah, so I'm always on Instagram, my handles Cassandra Rosa, a, I have like a link in my bio there that links to everything, my podcast, which is so much fun, it's called fulfilled. female entrepreneur Blair was a guest on it. So I'm sure that you can check out that amazing conversation episode that we had there. And then there's my fulfilled fam entrepreneur program, you can find out about that on my website, because Santa, which is a six month experience to help you to create a fulfilling life and business. And it's the mix of finding the clarity, tapping into the confidence connecting to your intuition, getting started in that process and building consistency so that you can be on a path of happy fulfilling life for you, but also making a massive impact on the world, which I find more and more people are feeling drawn to lean into. I love

Blair Kaplan Venables:

that. So connect with her click on the links in the bio, dive into her content. You won't regret it. And so Cassandra, one last question, what advice do you have for people who want to leave their corporate job? Mm

Cassanda Rosa:

hmm. Give yourself permission to stay in your corporate so you feel like your bases are covered, and then also start to build your business. And you'll find there'll be a tipping point where you find that the scales have shifted, and that you feel empowered to leave. I find sometimes people leave too early. And then they're caught up in the chaos and the money stories and then it becomes less about the impact that they want to make in their business and the services that they want to provide and getting caught up in the money stories. And I feel like for a lot of people, it feels like you've got to jump all in. And I find for a lot of my clients giving yourself permission to allow it to happen in the timing it's meant to and go for it. I feel like all of us have some sort of daydreams, some sort of idea of what a fulfilling life could look like for you and we all have the power to create it if we choose to.

Blair Kaplan Venables:

That's beautiful. Well, thank you so much for coming on radical resilience, and it's fun. I almost said dissecting success. That's my old podcast. I was like thanks for dissecting Yeah, this was such a great conversation. Yeah, my episode is gonna be out maybe by the time this comes out, so you can continue listening to us over there. And thank you everyone for tuning in to another episode of radical resilience. It is okay to not be okay. You are not alone. You do not have to walk this challenge this life alone. There are people out there there's a community out there we are out there the global Resilience Project. Let us be that light at the end of the tunnel for you where that lighthouse in the storm. We're you know, we're here for you and if you want to share your story of resilience of overcoming a challenge, we are accepting stories for our next book, the global Resilience Project, book number two, so you can click the link in the show notes and learn more about that reach out to me and we can have a call. But let's share your story with the world sharing your story can help you Feel. sharing your story can help someone else navigate their challenge. And it's a really beautiful gift to be able to share your story if you are ready. And without further ado, I just want to remind you that you my friends are resilient.

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