Saskia Christian found out her dad was missing and that she was never going to get the opportunity to introduce him to her husband and son. This is her story and she is RESILIENT A.F.!
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Be featured in RESILIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience Vol. 3:
About the Guest:
Saskia Christian, an accomplished Executive Trainer, Trauma and Global Resilience Life Coaching Expert, has a remarkable background. With 17 years of corporate visionary engineering leadership experience, she excelled as a technical leader. However, her path took an unexpected turn, leading her to become a renowned Training Executive, Trauma Healing and Resilience Coaching Consultant, Speaker, Author and Founder of BoostThru.
Saskia’s expertise extends beyond her corporate success. She is a prolific author, with her book “Mindset Mastery: Unleashing Your Inner Victor in Corporate Adversities” showcasing her ability to unlock mind power. She has authored e-courses on Seasonal Resiliency and co-authored seven anthologies, including an International Bestseller in the US Library of Congress and two Amazon Bestsellers. Notably, her personal story about her father’s disappearance in “Resilient A.F: Stories of Resilience” gained recognition at The 2024 Oscars and Emmys gift lounges.
Saskia is a Brainz Magazine Executive Contributor and has received Brainz CREA, Global Author Icon, Global Visionaries Leaders, GSFE( Global Society of Female Entrepreneurs) Kindness and LOANI (Leaders of All Nations International) Change Leader awards. As a Resilience Trailblazer, Saskia makes a huge impact in the lives of professionals in distress by offering purpose-driven comebacks.
Gift: BoostThru’s Boundaries Assessment Tool which is designed to assist listeners with unlocking their Resilience, building healthier relationships and empowering themselves. Link in email.
⚠️ Content Note: Some episodes may contain themes that could be distressing. Please take care of yourself while listening, and don’t hesitate to seek support from a mental health professional if needed.
About the Hosts:
Blair Kaplan Venables is a British Columbia-based grief and resilience expert and coach, motivational speaker and the Founder of The Global Resilience Project. Her expertise has been featured on media platforms like Forbes, TEDx, CBC Radio, Entrepreneur, and Thrive Global. She is named the Top Grief and Resilience Expert of the Year 2024 by IAOTP. USA Today listed Blair as one of the top 10 conscious female leaders to watch and she empowers others to be resilient from stages around the world. 'MyStory,’ which is a television show available on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+ and Google Play, showcases Blair's life story. She is the host of the Radical Resilience podcast and specializes in helping people strengthen their resilience muscle using scientifically proven methods and guides grieving high performers with her Navigating Grief Framework. The Global Resilience Project’s award-winning book series are international bestsellers, and her fourth book, RESILIENT A.F.: Stories of Resilience Vol 2, will be published in January 2025. In her free time, you can find Blair writing, in nature, travelling the world and helping people to strengthen their resilience muscles.
Alana Kaplan is a compassionate mental health professional based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She works in the mental health field, and is a co-host of the Resilient A.F. podcast. Fueled by advocacy, Alana is known for standing up and speaking out for others. Passionate about de-stigmatizing and normalizing mental health, Alana brings her experience to The Global Resilience Project’s team, navigating the role one’s mental health plays in telling their story.
Engaging in self-care and growth keeps her going, and her love for reading, travel, and personal relationships helps foster that. When she’s not working, Alana can often be found on walks, working on a crossword puzzle, or playing with any animal she sees.
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Welcome back to another episode of Resilient
Speaker:AF. Today, Alana is not here with me, but you know who
Speaker:is Saskia Christian. I am so excited because she is
Speaker:another resilience expert. She's an accomplished executive trainer,
Speaker:trauma and global resilience life coaching expert, has a remarkable
Speaker:background, very extensive. All of her information is gonna be the
Speaker:show notes, but she has over seventeen years of corporate visionary engineering leadership
Speaker:experience. She excelled as a technical leader. However, her path
Speaker:took an unexpected turn, leading her to become a renowned training executive,
Speaker:trauma healing and resilience coaching consultant, speaker, author, and the
Speaker:founder of Boost Thru. You can read her story of resilience and resilient
Speaker:AF stories of resilience. And I'm so
Speaker:honored to have her here today. So welcome, Saskia.
Speaker:Well, well, well, thank you so much, for that warm welcome.
Speaker:It's just really an honor to be on this platform. I couldn't
Speaker:wait. I can't believe I'm now here. I love
Speaker:it. It's it's amazing, you know, Especially because when we
Speaker:first talk I remember having our first meeting because I was at a business
Speaker:conference in Colorado, and I went to my hotel
Speaker:room and, well, my my, like, little cottage. And I remember calling
Speaker:like, having a call with you thinking, wow. Like, what an amazing woman. And
Speaker:who would have thought, you know, over a year later, we'd be having this conversation
Speaker:for, you know, all those to see and listen to. And I really
Speaker:wanna, you know, talk about one of your stories of resilience, which
Speaker:is when you found out your dad was missing, and he wasn't going to get
Speaker:a chance to meet your husband and your son. Do
Speaker:you wanna tell us a little bit about your story? Yes. Yes.
Speaker:Absolutely. And that's, I'm so glad that you, asked about
Speaker:that. That was a story that I did share in the Resilient Data
Speaker:Dev chapter of that amazing book
Speaker:that's supported by this platform. And so it
Speaker:really, that time really did shake me.
Speaker:I was shaken to the core because for the first
Speaker:time, I actually felt, like,
Speaker:deeply really emotional grief
Speaker:that just wouldn't stop because there really wasn't
Speaker:any closure. So it really did hit, like, my mental
Speaker:health and just really overall well-being
Speaker:in terms of opening up to people because I just
Speaker:felt that no one really understood
Speaker:really what I was going through, the pain, the
Speaker:intensity of the pain I was going through that time. And
Speaker:so it really did, underscore
Speaker:that not having closure is really,
Speaker:really, adds
Speaker:significant impact on the grief that you're experiencing.
Speaker:So that's something that carried me for many for several years
Speaker:since my father, been missing in my birth country of Guyana,
Speaker:and I managed to, just move to a different
Speaker:state and all even after all of that. And,
Speaker:unfortunately, my husband or my son never had the opportunity
Speaker:to meet, my dad. Saw him
Speaker:in pictures. He saw them, but never the meeting that
Speaker:I really wanted, for them to understand really where I came
Speaker:from. You know, my parents were married and got divorced,
Speaker:before the age of 10. And so I was living really, like, in a a
Speaker:regular home, regular family home. So I knew both of
Speaker:my parents well. So that's why even though
Speaker:I've lost track or wasn't really in contact so much with my dad
Speaker:over the years, he did stay in contact somewhat, but not as frequent
Speaker:out as I would like. It's because of
Speaker:that, you know, foundation those foundational years, right,
Speaker:where he was instrumental in my upbringing
Speaker:that really did take take a toll on me, that pain.
Speaker:And so I'm just grateful for the,
Speaker:all the instruments, all the tools, the resources, and the strategies
Speaker:that I have gained as a trauma and resilience,
Speaker:life coaching consultant. Right, because I was really intentional
Speaker:in saying, okay, this grief really stays with me.
Speaker:Right? I don't want another person to be hurting like this
Speaker:because we all have different tolerance. Some people really just can't take
Speaker:it anymore, and they just will just leave the Earth.
Speaker:Right? That's a decision that it's a painful one,
Speaker:that we often say, oh, wow. I wish if I could, I wish if
Speaker:I this, I wish if I that. But then often how often
Speaker:do we really look back and see the things that we could have done,
Speaker:really, and be intentional in terms of doing those things so that
Speaker:another person wouldn't necessarily, you know,
Speaker:suffer like that or maybe decide to take their own life. And in my
Speaker:particular case, I'm a woman of faith. So that helped
Speaker:me. That's how what kept me grounded. Yeah.
Speaker:And wasn't for that. I'm not sure if I'll be here.
Speaker:So Wow. Wow. Thank you. Thank you so much for
Speaker:sharing. And I can't even imagine what that would have been like. If
Speaker:you're okay with it, I'd love to go a little deeper. I have a few
Speaker:questions for you. Sure. No problem. When was it that
Speaker:your father went missing? So that
Speaker:would have been, say, roughly
Speaker:2018, '20 '19 or so. And That's
Speaker:the last time I lost, I lost contact with him. And and
Speaker:do you know what happened? Like, what are the possible
Speaker:scenarios? Like, he was in Guyana. How did he how did he go missing? Like,
Speaker:what can you walk us through that a bit more? Because some of us,
Speaker:you know well, some a lot of us have never experienced that.
Speaker:And Yes. Yeah. So, like, I would
Speaker:I would I'd say and thank you for asking. It's really, difficult for
Speaker:me to speak on even you know? And you're
Speaker:the most you're the easiest person to speak to.
Speaker:But yet I just share what you like. Don't if you, you know, you get
Speaker:to Yeah. Yeah. So I think with my with my dad, like I said,
Speaker:we weren't really, very, very close. He would call, you know,
Speaker:occasionally I would call, you know, but, for some time,
Speaker:I didn't hear from him. And then when he called, it was a very,
Speaker:it was very distraught. So I can see that there was
Speaker:some mental, you know, mental struggle at that particular
Speaker:time, and, you know, talking about his neighbors and,
Speaker:you know, not trusting
Speaker:them and those things. And he was living with someone. He had a spouse.
Speaker:And so I said, okay, anything you need. It
Speaker:was really hard for me to, just be on the other side of the world
Speaker:asking, you know, someone in so much pain
Speaker:Mhmm. What they needed.
Speaker:Right? And so, and, of course, quite a bit of
Speaker:that. Some of that I'm gonna bring out in my book that I have coming
Speaker:up on The Power Within, my first solo book, where
Speaker:I just go through everything, all the stories, in
Speaker:my journey, my personal stories, that caused me to really
Speaker:navigate from adversities and to triumph and
Speaker:just do more than survive or thrive. That's really resiliency.
Speaker:But yes. So with my dad, called, you know, that one, you know,
Speaker:Sunday call, it really did shake me to the core, and I
Speaker:had no idea. I felt so helpless because I
Speaker:wanted to do so much, but there's really nothing. Somebody's talking to me.
Speaker:I can barely recognize them. There's nothing I can do.
Speaker:I'm asking different things, and it doesn't seem as though anything
Speaker:was the solution really, to the ASU.
Speaker:And so after that, it was just
Speaker:it just just vanished. Right? It just vanished.
Speaker:So and, you know, I asked the spouse, really, what's going on? And it's like
Speaker:he couldn't locate them. And I don't know if he's, you know,
Speaker:streets of Georgetown, I have no idea. Wow. But people try to
Speaker:look out for him and try and even send
Speaker:people to look for him.
Speaker:And just no sort of, I'm so
Speaker:sorry. It's okay.
Speaker:It's one of those things where it made
Speaker:me into the person who I am and
Speaker:the compassionate person, the person who is authentic, and
Speaker:understand that there's a deeper layer than when you just watch a particular person.
Speaker:It's much deeper than that, much more complex than that. And
Speaker:you are to take the time as much as you can and really
Speaker:inquire about someone else's well-being and not just take it for
Speaker:granted that everyone is okay or pretend
Speaker:that everyone is okay because everyone is not okay. That is
Speaker:true. I am so
Speaker:sorry you went through that. I can't imagine the stress, the
Speaker:sadness, all of the feelings that you went through. Like, that just sounds like
Speaker:a really, like, painful, scary experience, especially because you
Speaker:are on the other side of the world. How
Speaker:/:Speaker:/:Speaker:over the last few years, how have you,
Speaker:honored his memory or legacy and
Speaker:help yourself get to a place of peace? Well,
Speaker:that's another great question. So thank you so much for creating a
Speaker:platform that allowed me to really, really honor my
Speaker:dad, for the intellectual and
Speaker:just the person who he is or he was. I'm not
Speaker:sure really what happened if he's with us or or if he's not.
Speaker:But I'm at peace with that because I, I lead
Speaker:with to making sure that the world knows exactly who my
Speaker:dad was, that, you know, he really did love, me and my
Speaker:sibling. And, he wanted the best for us in terms of,
Speaker:you know, academics. He led the way there and, my
Speaker:public speaking and everything. My my, skills,
Speaker:particularly in my public speaking because my mom is an amazing and
Speaker:brilliant person as well. And my dad, my pub the public
Speaker:speaking skills for my dad, I believe we both inherited and I
Speaker:inherited a lot. So I'm very grateful for that,
Speaker:and and I'm I'm even more grateful that I'm able to utilize that to
Speaker:leverage those skills, to give honor to
Speaker:his name. I let people understand that he did
Speaker:exist, was a person. Right? Even I have no I have
Speaker:no idea who he is. He was a person, and he made an
Speaker:impact on lives and made an
Speaker:impact on lives. We ended up making significant
Speaker:impact around the globe. And so
Speaker:that's that's really my gift to him. And and it wasn't only that, it was
Speaker:the Amazon bestseller, number one bestseller
Speaker:book. I coauthored, the
Speaker:LET presents, stories of world's greatest speakers, by
Speaker:Sean Fair, visionary, visionary author.
Speaker:And so, I just happened to be chapter one
Speaker:of that, talking about signature a year,
Speaker:about my thank you. About my, signature speech,
Speaker:development framework. And, of course, my dad was, you
Speaker:know, front and center of that because
Speaker:listening to the tapes, listening to, you know, on Sundays,
Speaker:him, you know, listening to himself
Speaker:and often wondering, like, why is he doing that? Why
Speaker:is he listening to himself so many times? And I was like, I couldn't possibly
Speaker:at that time, it's very young, like, six years. I was like, I couldn't possibly
Speaker:do something. That seems very difficult to do. And why what's
Speaker:tell me more about these first of all, wait. What's his name?
Speaker:Frederick. Tell me more about Frederick and these tapes.
Speaker:What were on these tapes? Why was he listening to them? Yes. So it
Speaker:was, some tapes he did for work. He was a manager at
Speaker:the agriculture development bank. And so everything
Speaker:about, you know, growing up agriculture, everything to
Speaker:do with cattle and those things. And we used to, you know, have, like,
Speaker:summer, summertime where we'd go off because he was a
Speaker:manager to remote parts of the, country.
Speaker:Right? And we get to have, like, a summer summer living and,
Speaker:be well taken care of because we were a manager's kids and those things.
Speaker:And so listening to that and him, it was
Speaker:just so the the speech, the verbiage,
Speaker:every single thing was just so eloquently presented, and I
Speaker:was, wow. How can he do that? Like, how can he
Speaker:speak so fluently? And I didn't know that really years later, I
Speaker:would be doing the same thing. Right? And have
Speaker:an impact to, you know, have a major impact on so many
Speaker:people around the globe, having global awards of kindness, empowerment,
Speaker:and all these things. At that time, I was really being fed the
Speaker:foundation and, you know, and just I
Speaker:just naturally run with it, and I'm very grateful for that. So
Speaker:just having the ability to speak on
Speaker:that particular, area of, speaking, integrating that
Speaker:into my my my professional speaking journey
Speaker:story. Mhmm. It really was a golden
Speaker:opportunity. Yeah. That that that's really beautiful, and I love
Speaker:that, like, parts of him live on or, I mean, may he might still be
Speaker:alive, but parts of him live through you. And I think that's really beautiful because
Speaker:with my father, like, he's no longer with us. And, I
Speaker:would say he went missing in a different way. He went you know, who he
Speaker:was was no longer because of addiction. But as I
Speaker:got to know him in my later adult life,
Speaker:I learned there's a lot of parts of him that were very similar to parts
Speaker:of me. And I didn't know this because he wasn't really around. And I think
Speaker:that's one of the beautiful things is if we can take away the good from
Speaker:our parents and and carry forth in this world,
Speaker:and be of service with those gifts. Like, how
Speaker:how beautiful is that to you know? And I
Speaker:know he must be a exceptional human
Speaker:being. To have daughters, like you and Alana is
Speaker:just I can only imagine the man that he he
Speaker:was. Oh. I know that you're doing him great honor in in terms
Speaker:of carrying on that legacy so well and
Speaker:they're making an inspiring hope and
Speaker:resiliency, in in in others. I
Speaker:think that's really beautiful. Thank you. That's and I I I think what's
Speaker:really beautiful is for you with your son modeling how
Speaker:you are able to bounce forward. You know, we define resilience as the
Speaker:ability to bounce forward and how you are, you know, navigating
Speaker:this chapter of, like, a career shift and stepping into what
Speaker:you're stepping into in the face of, like, trauma and adversity.
Speaker:And I think how old is your son? Oh,
Speaker:he's seven going on 40. Seven going on
Speaker:40. I mean, like, how lucky is he to have you as a mom
Speaker:to be such a a role model of resilience and to see how you
Speaker:show up in this world. You know, like, that generation is
Speaker:so lucky. And for you to be someone who has made
Speaker:this this career, this,
Speaker:you know, I like to say turning pain into purpose. Yes. You know?
Speaker:Pain into purpose. Yeah. And, you know, I think it's it's not
Speaker:something I mean, I believe everyone has it within them
Speaker:to be able to do that, but not everyone wants to do
Speaker:that. Some people would rather just put aside and keep going.
Speaker:So I I wanna thank you for the work that you do because it is
Speaker:really, really special. What,
Speaker:like, what do you what do you want to carry forward
Speaker:with your family, like, from your childhood, the things that, you know, you
Speaker:experience, like, the happy stuff at home with your dad and traveling for
Speaker:work? What are some of those traditions that you're carrying forward for
Speaker:you and your son and your husband and and your life here?
Speaker:Yeah. I believe the first thing is,
Speaker:having them understand really that there are no limitations.
Speaker:Right? We put a lot of limitations in ourselves. I have
Speaker:been guilty of that. And so when everything
Speaker:was exposed, and then I realized, oh my gosh. I can
Speaker:I'm capable of doing this. I'm capable of doing that. Even in the midst of
Speaker:that pain and that hardship, right,
Speaker:all my talent was showing out. That's what I
Speaker:wanna impress on my on my on my on my son particularly
Speaker:because he's a young one growing up, and I know that my husband wants
Speaker:to do the same. Mhmm. And so there are no there there are
Speaker:no, you know, boundaries really with him. It's like
Speaker:what my son always asks me. He's like, oh, you wrote this book,
Speaker:so what award did you win today? Oh. It's like,
Speaker:what's for dinner? What award did you win? Right. Yeah. He's like, so,
Speaker:mom, how was your day today? After I asked him how his day was and,
Speaker:you know, and he's like, so so what award did you win today? Oh
Speaker:my gosh. That's so I know. I was like, so I said, I said, do
Speaker:you know, solution? I said, you know, illusion,
Speaker:all these things you can do and so much more. Mhmm. You will do
Speaker:so much more. I'm just laying the just
Speaker:laying the foundation there so that you'll understand that everything
Speaker:is possible. Oh my gosh. Everything is possible with
Speaker:fate. So that's the person that we are raising. He wants to be
Speaker:an astronaut, and we said, you know, there's no can't in this
Speaker:home. You know? It's, you embrace
Speaker:nothing is impossible for you to accomplish. You all you have
Speaker:all that you need. You are equipped for
Speaker:this journey already. And so it's like, oh,
Speaker:I don't know if I can write all those books. Oh, you'll be doing much
Speaker:more than that. Oh my gosh. And he has, like, a long life ahead of
Speaker:him. Right? He's only seven. That's so Exactly. Exactly. So he That's
Speaker:way ahead than way ahead than I was. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. My
Speaker:parents divorced when I was seven, and, like, I can't really remember my childhood, but
Speaker:I found a bunch of diary entries. And it was like, one day I wanna
Speaker:publish a book of poems. And I was like, who would have thought as an
Speaker:adult I was publishing books? And I don't know. It's really Yeah. But,
Speaker:unfortunately, believe in me, it is. Yeah. It is. It's healing.
Speaker:Right? Mhmm. Yeah. No. Definitely. I love that. Okay. I want
Speaker:I have a couple more little wrap up questions because we're coming to the end.
Speaker:First of all, what are you working on now? Like, what does twenty twenty
Speaker:five have in store for you? Oh, wow. What it doesn't have in
Speaker:store? So first of all, I am
Speaker:happy to say that I will be, releasing
Speaker:my new, book, solo book,
Speaker:oh, a solo book, The Power Within, you know,
Speaker:embracing authenticity and,
Speaker:just sparking a global transformation. That's really
Speaker:what it is. And it's going to be, be followed up
Speaker:with several anthologies around the themes that would cover
Speaker:that in the main book, The Power Within. And
Speaker:that's really me, the authentic me, the real
Speaker:me being exposed there for the first time.
Speaker:And just, people will definitely get a takeaway
Speaker:that, I was meant. The journey prepared
Speaker:me to be a global resilience ambassador and trailblazer
Speaker:because of those circumstances that I have had to
Speaker:endure and just walk through and come out on the other side, you
Speaker:know, triumphantly. So, yes, that and then, you
Speaker:know, the word, like, at the awards, I'm very grateful for my work
Speaker:being appreciated in such an amazing way.
Speaker:You know, the Global Society of Female Entrepreneurs, Kindness Awards,
Speaker:Change Leadership Award, Visionary Audership
Speaker:Icon, and it's really I say these things not to just
Speaker:say these things, but to understand that it's all
Speaker:towards a mission of making sure that people know that they
Speaker:are capable of becoming the best version of themselves.
Speaker:Right? They they are capable of that too. So I am
Speaker:just I just happen to be the poster child
Speaker:leading the way, right, leading the example. And that's really what those
Speaker:awards are the you know, it's really true testament of. Right?
Speaker:Yes. If I can, you can as well because I came
Speaker:literally from zero. Right? And
Speaker:so can you. Right? And so we all have it within us,
Speaker:the superpower and everything, and, it's just such a
Speaker:gift. And next year, in terms of opportunities, coaching,
Speaker:consulting, quite a little open. And most importantly, I had an opportunity
Speaker:of a lifetime to be, a,
Speaker:celebrity ghostwriter. So I am
Speaker:beyond, like You're a ghostwriter for a celebrity? Celeb
Speaker:celebrity ghostwriting initiative I'm now a part of.
Speaker:And so those opportunities, will be coming,
Speaker:because I am all signed on, and I am so
Speaker:You're amazing. Oh, you're amazing. Okay. So if people are people are
Speaker:listening, they're falling in love with you, they wanna follow you, your book's coming out,
Speaker:they wanna meet you, where can people find you on social media?
Speaker:Yes. Absolutely. They can find me on, first of all, my
Speaker:website, boost true, b o o s t t h r
Speaker:u, dot com forward slash contact. You can just hit me
Speaker:up for thirty minutes, sixty minutes consultation.
Speaker:Mhmm. And so we can explore your needs and how we can actually help you
Speaker:in your resilience building journey. And then, of course,
Speaker:I'm very much active on LinkedIn,
Speaker:LinkedIn and Saskia Christian
Speaker:and, also on Facebook as well on The
Speaker:Boostrue and Instagram. You have those social media handles,
Speaker:on the Boostrout as well, on Instagram and
Speaker:YouTube. Yeah. So All the links are in the show notes. You don't have to
Speaker:remember it. But, anyways, follow her. She's amazing, and she's such a what
Speaker:I really love about you is you're such a cheerleader. You believe in collaboration
Speaker:over competition. You believe in helping other people
Speaker:rise, you know, like a phoenix through the ashes. And I think that's what's
Speaker:really beautiful about the work that you and I both do is we believe in
Speaker:helping each other up and being that hand to pull them
Speaker:up, you know, through the flames. And so please follow her and
Speaker:connect with her. She's just such a bright light. And,
Speaker:you know, I'm so grateful for you and and the support that you've given our
Speaker:community. And I'm just honored that you're part of our, you know, coauthor
Speaker:collective and that you're, you know, you're you're part of our legacy. And, you know,
Speaker:together we rise, and it's interesting because, you know, I've been making a big
Speaker:shift into the world of grief coaching Yes. Resilience
Speaker:coaching and By the way. Yes. Yeah. And it just, you
Speaker:know, really stepping into a world of,
Speaker:helping others through their pain and just it it really
Speaker:brings me so much life to help people through it because we've been
Speaker:there. Yeah. And so I I know that you do
Speaker:similar work, so that's amazing. So one
Speaker:final question for you. Sure.
Speaker:What advice do you have for someone who is maybe
Speaker:their parent goes missing or, there's an
Speaker:unexplained, you know, loss or disappearance of a parent or
Speaker:a loved one? What's your advice to those people? My
Speaker:advice is to, take care of
Speaker:yourself, of course, really. So
Speaker:just your self healing has no timeline,
Speaker:right? It's it's unique. It well, actually, it has its own timeline, and it should
Speaker:never be dictated by anyone else. No matter who they
Speaker:are, to you. And I know there are a lot of loved ones who really
Speaker:do mean well, but until you actually walk in those
Speaker:shoes, right, in the circumstances and the
Speaker:pain and the suffering, you're not able to and you're not an
Speaker:expert in that. Mhmm. And so we, you know, we don't our
Speaker:feelings don't need to be validated by anyone. And then the same thing with
Speaker:boundaries. Right? Making sure that you do put those
Speaker:boundaries in place so that you can preserve yourself. You can have self
Speaker:healing and you can maintain healthy relationships with everyone,
Speaker:but you're allowing yourself to have that emotional space
Speaker:so that you can really truly grieve
Speaker:and be vulnerable all in a safe manner
Speaker:without feeling pressured by
Speaker:the external environment. So those are the things. And, of course,
Speaker:the boundaries, the boundaries, the boundaries. I do have a
Speaker:boundaries assessment tool that I included today as a free gift
Speaker:just really to help you identify,
Speaker:assess those boundaries, and just see how strategies
Speaker:share those strategies with you and how you can,
Speaker:help, to make those, boundaries,
Speaker:stronger for your own, protection. We call it
Speaker:self preservation. That's amazing. Yeah. That's you're
Speaker:amazing. Okay. So the link to her gift is in the show
Speaker:notes, and that is such powerful
Speaker:advice. Work for me. So I'm just giving based on
Speaker:my personal experience. Yeah. I
Speaker:mean, that's for people who've been through stuff, the best
Speaker:the best of lessons from the worst experiences are
Speaker:some of the best pieces of advice. And so
Speaker:thank you so much for joining us on Resilient AF.
Speaker:Thank you. You're such a gracious host. Thank you so much for
Speaker:just the dialogue. I don't even call it questions. It's the free dialogue.
Speaker:And it's really caring and being an authentic soul. I'm
Speaker:very grateful for you and for this platform, and I
Speaker:know that you will impact so many lives for
Speaker:good based on, you know, how you're, going
Speaker:about, doing things and your heart question. So thank you
Speaker:so much. Oh, thank you that you're very kind. And and so Saskia's
Speaker:story is in Resilient AF Stories of Resilience. You can get the
Speaker:book on Amazon. I wanna thank everyone for tuning in to
Speaker:another episode of Resilient AF. You know,
Speaker:it's okay to not be okay. Life is full of ups and downs, highs and
Speaker:lows, the yin and the yang, yin and yang. You know? And,
Speaker:I just actually had this beautiful conversation about the duality of the highs and the
Speaker:lows. And it's like a pendulum, and you never know which way it's gonna swing,
Speaker:but it is okay to not be okay because you are
Speaker:not alone. You do not have to walk this path alone. You
Speaker:have us. You have the community. You have support outside
Speaker:of our community. Just remember friends, you are resilient