5 Therapeutic Social Media Accounts to Follow


Social media is a great tool to promote and share information on a wide variety of topics. As it can be an open market, it can be difficult to suss out what is legitimate information and what is not. This week we are focusing on social media accounts that can be therapeutic to follow.

It is important to use caution when taking advice from a social media account. While these accounts are often run by mental health professionals, they are not a replacement for mental health support. The following accounts are ones that we trust and recommend.

The Gottman Institute on Facebook


Based in Seattle, The Gottman Institute shares that “it is [their] mission to reach out to families in order to help create and maintain greater love and health in relationships.” What we like about their Facebook page is their wide variety of articles on relationships and mental health. 

Brene Brown on Facebook


As you can tell, we at I Am Resilient are huge fans of Brene Brown’s writing, her message, and of course, her social media. While she is not the most active on Facebook, there is a quality to each of her posts that make us read every word. Her posts are relatable and human. 

Dose.of.compassion on Instagram


Samantha Rajchel is a therapist/social worker who provides online therapy to individuals and parents. What we love about this Instagram account is the authenticity of each post. Each post asks the reader to be self-reflective, which is a different style of engagement that promotes self-growth and insight.

Self-Care is for Everyone on Instagram


Different than other therapeutic accounts we lean towards, Self-Care Is For Everyone is primarily graphics-based, sharing messages of self-compassion, feelings identification and acknowledging your self-worth. Bonus: They have a website that sells merchandise with some of their important messages. 

Megan Rafuse on Instagram


Owner of The Shift Collab, a Toronto based therapy clinic, and Real Campus, an online student-based support service, Megan Rafuse is an eloquently worded therapist who is welcoming and open with sharing her own experiences. What we love about Megan Rafuse is her use of self in her posts as a way to share a message.

Did we miss any accounts that you think we should be sharing? Let us know and comment below.

Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE and thank you for being brave and sharing your journey.

Written by Alana Kaplan, Project Manager for the I Am Resilient Project.