I Am Resilient: Lani Hankins


This is Lani Hankins and she is RESILIENT.

I Am Resilient: Lani Hankins
This is Lani and she is resilient.

CONTENT WARNING: The I Am Resilient Project provides an open space for people to share their personal experiences. Some content in this post and on this website will include topics that you may find difficult

Describe the situation where you had to be resilient:

I escaped an abusive relationship.

Lani’s Story:

When I escaped, I felt frightened because I thought he would come back. I was anxious because I became a single mother overnight. I was overwhelmed by emotions, guilt, and nightmares. I coped by finding small projects to work on around the house to keep my mind busy and to feel like I was in control of my life. My reaction to the situation was to get rid of anything that reminded me of him. I wanted to replace furniture, repaint the walls, and pretend like he never existed.

How did you practice resilience when faced with this challenge?

I had to put my life back together on my own since nobody knew about the abuse and even though I was struggling to heal, I had to find the strength to be a mother and move forward with my life.

Please share one piece of advice for people who are going through a similar challenge

Follow your gut. It often recognizes the red flags that your heart chooses to make excuses for.

Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE.

I Am Resilient: Lani Hankins
The 5 Secrets to Strengthening Your Resilience Muscle ​

Enjoy the gift of a free workbook from The Global Resilience Project.