I Am Resilient: Jan Janzen


This is Jan Janzen and she is resilient.

This is Jan Janzen and she is resilient.

CONTENT WARNING: The I Am Resilient Project provides an open space for people to share their personal experiences. Some content in this post and on this website will include topics that you may find difficult.

In 1999, my husband and I made the tough decision to escape the cult we had both been raised in.  We were now shunned by our families and friends, leaving just the two of us in a strange new world we had never navigated.

Less than a year later, he left our marriage.  Three months later, my biggest customer pulled my program and I lost 80% of my business overnight. 

Alone, with no friends, no family, and now my financial support was gone, I couldn’t even find solace in my faith.

When I decided to leave the cult, I threw out the one thing that had always seen me through tough times – my faith in a Higher Power.

I didn’t do the “G” word anymore. 

However, when I found myself living in a cabin with rats running up and down my walls, I knew I had to look beyond the personal development work I had poured my heart, soul and dwindling savings into.

The day a friend said, “Jan, your outer world is a reflection of your inner world,” I was sick to my stomach.

It felt like my whole being was in a blender, turned on high; a mess of emotions, conflict, struggles that never seemed to end.

By looking inward, I saw a lot of beliefs from the cult that no longer fit.  I found ideas that came from my Russian genetic coding, my parents and even past lives.

I cleared unsupportive beliefs more thoroughly than I thought possible and as I did the inner work, I saw the outer results.

I didn’t do this work alone.  I asked for help from the Source I had abandoned.

Admittedly, it was a rather sheepish re-introduction to God, but the thought of going it alone was even less appealing than acknowledging my need for guidance.

What was most important was deciding what I wanted in my life; what I knew in my heart and soul I deserved.

People often ask how I made such a dramatic shift in my life?  They tell me that “God” never talks to them.

I believe that the Universe is constantly communicating with us.  The problem is that most don’t listen.  They hear an idea and dismiss it as impossible.  They get a hunch and they deem it foolish. 

What I learned is that if you listen and ACT, even when it’s uncomfortable or new, miracles happen.

One night I was given, from the Universe, a business plan for a pole dancing business.  I had just attended a pole dancing party that I HATED.  But I took the idea seriously and acted on it immediately.

It was that business that allowed me to move from the cabin to a beautiful condo.

Next, I was shown my powerful gift of healing which terrified me.  It would have been easy to say, “NOPE, I’m not going down that road God.”

Instead, I embraced what was uncomfortable and turned it into a 6-figure healing practice that allowed me to travel the world for nine years.

How did I go from rats to riches, from a life of terror and struggle to the amazing life I live now?

  1.  I never stopped believing that I COULD and WOULD create the life I desired and so I never stopped working, searching and being open to new ways of being.
  2. I entered what I now call a RADICAL relationship with the Universe.  I am not a “please forgive me for I am a sinner” kind of gal.  I am in partnership with the Universe and I expect IT to do it’s partly because I’m sure as hell am doing mine.
  3. Expect to receive.  If you’re hoping, wishing, praying that things will change for you, it’s unlikely anything will change.  KNOW you can have the life you want because whatever you are desiring, you can achieve. 

Are you ready to share your story of RESILIENCE? You can do that HERE.

???? British Columbia, Canada

The 5 Secrets to Strengthening Your Resilience Muscle ​

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